There were no positive or negative surprises at Monday’s Eurogroup for Greece as eurozone finance ministers confirmed in writing that there had been progress in talks between Athens and its lenders but that intensive work needs to be done over the next few days.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

“We welcomed the progress that has been achieved so far,” said the ministers in a joint statement after the meeting in Brussels. “We note that the reorganization and streamlining of working procedures has made an acceleration possible, and has contributed to a more substantial discussion,” they added in reference to recent changes in Greece’s negotiation team and its style.

“At the same time, we acknowledged that more time and effort are needed to bridge the gaps on the remaining open issues,” the statement added, calling for an acceleration in the Brussels Group negotiations.

The euro-area finance ministers also made it clear that more loans would be disbursed to Greece only if there is a “staff-level agreement” on the conclusion of the program review. Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem indicated in comments afterward that Greece’s lenders might agree to break up the 7.2 billion euros in bailout funding into smaller tranches based on the gradual implementation of whatever is included in any final agreement.

“There are time constraints and liquidity constraints and hopefully we will reach an agreement before time runs out and before money runs out,” said Dijsselbloem.

Speaking in a separate news conference, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said he felt there has been “considerable convergence” between Athens and its creditors and that they would try to wrap up an agreement in the next couple of weeks, before the government’s liquidity problems become “binding.”

The Greek minister said there had been “substantive progress” in talks on issues such as settling nonperforming loans (NPLs), reforming value-added tax (VAT) and bolstering the independence of Greece’s tax authority. However, he suggested that there were still differences over pension and labor reforms. “Just cutting pensions is not a reform,” he said.

Varoufakis confirmed that Greece would today meet a repayment of around 750 million euros to the International Monetary Fund.

He also insisted that his relations with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble are excellent. “Our meetings are always friendly, particularly interesting and constructive,” said the former economics professor. “Today we had our friendliest meeting yet,” he added.

Ahead of the meeting, Schaeuble suggested that he would support Athens if it decides to hold a referendum on any deal agreed with creditors.

“If the Greek government thinks it must hold a referendum, then let it hold a referendum,” he said. “That might even be a helpful measure for the Greek people to decide whether it is ready to accept what is necessary, or whether it wants something different.”

Article written by ekathemerini
John Karayiannis will sing 'One Thing I Should Have Done' in Semi-Final 2... draws... 15th...

John Karayiannis will fly the Cypriot flag in Eurovision’s Semi-Final 2… Thursday 21st May… draw 15th…

John Karayiannis will fly the Cyprus flag at this May’s Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna with his sweet melody balladOne Thing I Should Have Done‘.

Mike Connaris a London Cypriot song-writer penned #Otishd and to keen fans he earns folklore status, by way of his Eurovision’s Top 5th with 2004’s Lisa Andreas ‘Stronger Every Minute’ to equal our nation’s best ever result.

The review by Tony Neophytou supports our tune with the force of a patriotic/proud fellow Cypriot in London.

John’s likeability with the useful hook in #Otishd adding to the strong vocals and clear tone, and it’s that clarity of verse makes sure we are bought into his introspective thoughts, and sold on his tune.

John reveals to LGR the live song/performance has captivating/intimate feel to a great effect on the screens, with good camera-work and lighting. “It’s a very simple ballad, and the simplicity is what we want to convey, what I want to say, is that I want to create the atmosphere that will appeal to the viewer’s attention”.

His signature look are the black thick framed spectacles and when asked exactly, how many pairs of glasses he owns, the answer was five.

He is a Cypriot born Limassol who at 20 years-old is a singer and song-writer fully realising his goal to represent his island.

John Karayiannis 'Otishd'

JK with lovely ballad song…

“As soon as Mike played me the song, I knew this was for me. I just loved the simplicity in the track and beautiful melody… and lyrics… well that was me!”

“Winning the Cyprus Final was the highlight of my career so far. I remember the feeling of not winning the Cyprus JESC and I was really disappointed. But if I’d known then I was going to win the adult Final in a few years time… I would have soon cheered up!”

He reckons qualifying is the main goal “I want to do well in Vienna for Cyprus and get them into the Final proper. If I can achieve that… well, let’s take it from there!”

John and Mike went to Bratislava to record the final mix of #Otishd with orchestra and real guitars, adding sparkle to the track. There’s even the official Euroclub remix by Pepperoni Mohawk the dance-floor filler which speed’s up Eurovision’s buzz this month.

John was introduced to Mike by Christos Kyriakides, who runs a successful music school of the same name in Limassol. Mike was very impressed with John’s voice and invited him to London. After getting to know John, and working closely in the studio with him, Mike set about writing a song especially for John. The song is about regret, but with a twist because it’s not until the end of the song that the real truth comes out. It makes you realise that in a relationship you should look back with no regrets, and always be honest.

#Otishd was to win the Cypriot’s Eurovision Song Project airing on 1st February on CyBc after a lengthy process of live audition and semi-finals chose the outright song.

Mike clearly very elated at his chance at Eurovision explained how he’s feeling up-beat about his adventure ahead he puts it to “Having my song chosen to represent Cyprus again was awesome. I’ve tried since 2004 with different singers but had no luck, so John winning the Final at the beginning of Feb with “One thing I should have done” was amazing. I think the hardest part is over and I now believe John can actually win ESC for Cyprus. He is such a young talent with an incredible voice – so cool and calm on stage – nothing fazes him… and if we can get the staging right, there’s no reason why Cyprus can’t be hosting ESC in 2016! Now wouldn’t that be something!”

My guess it’s a potential qualifier and if we point out the constant struggle to qualify, that’s a huge feat. The sums suggest that only 33% of all Cypriot tunes qualified in recent years, but you can sense the genuine intent of the Cypriot delegation to beat the tough task at qualifying… well, fingers crossed to beef-up our island’s fortunes and the best of luck to Cyprus and John and Mike for achieving the best type of positive outcome this month.

Cyprus competes with the top 10 qualifying from semi-final two on Thursday 21st of May, you can tune in to BBC 3 to catch the event and the UK will be tele-voting at 50%, plus 50% jurors.

Cypriot entry has potentially good draw at 15th in the full line-up of 17 songs and maybe that kind of ‘late draw’ will be an advantage, to win people’s votes.

The grand final will be airing on Saturday 23rd May at the Wiener Stadthalle in host city Vienna.

Article written by Tony Neophytou

 The National Federation of Cypriots in the United Kingdom welcomes the recent choice of Mr Mustafa Akinci as the new leader of the Turkish Cypriot community in Cyprus as a positive sign which gives hope to all Cypriots that the island may at long last be free and reunited.


Mr Akinci has a history of campaigning for the reunification of Cyprus and his sweeping victory was achieved on the back of a promise made to the Turkish Cypriot community that, if chosen as its leader, he would work hard to inject fresh urgency into the quest to end the division of the island.

There is no doubt, however, that the question as to whether or not Cyprus can turn a new page will depend on Turkey’s willingness to remove its army of occupation from the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, and on its sincere engagement with the UN-facilitated process the purpose of which is to bring about an end to the island’s division and the country’s real unity and independence within the European Union.

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK will redouble its efforts and will work with all Cypriots in the UK and in Cyprus who share the vision of a free and truly united Cyprus for the benefit of all of the legitimate inhabitants of the island, irrespective of ethnic origin or religious affiliation.

Article written by LGR
Αν όλα πάνε καλα όπως ευχόμαστε, θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να δούμε Ελλάδα στους δεκτές μας, το Σάββατο 23 Μαΐου στον μεγάλο τελικό της Ευρώπης.

Ευχαρίστησε το LGR και όλους τους ανθρώπους του για την ζέστη και χαμογελαστή υποδοχή και ζήτησε την στήριξη μας για την μεγάλη βραδιά.

Η Μαρία-Έλενα Κυριάκου και ο Ευθύβουλος Θεοχάρους βρέθηκαν στο Ελληνικό Ραδιόφωνο του Λονδίνου στα πλαίσια προώθησης της ελληνικής συμμετοχήςOne Last Breath‘.

Η Μαρία Έλενα, γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στην Λάρνακα. Δασκαλα στο επαγγελμα ειχε πάντοτε αγάπη για την μουσική και το τραγούδι.

Δήλωσε συμμετοχή στο ελληνικό ‘The Voice’ απο προτροπή του αδερφού της και τελικά κατάφερε να βγει νικήτρια.

Πλέον μένει μόνιμα στην Αθηνα και έχει την τιμή να τραγουδήσει με τα ελληνικά χρώματα στην 60η Eurovision, στη Βιέννη.

Για την σκηνή της Βιεννης δήλωσε: δεν μπορώ να αποκαλύψω τι ετοιμάζουμε, αυτο πάντως που ειναι σίγουρο ειναι ότι θα ειναι πολύ κοντά στο video clip, αλλα με πολύ αίσθηση στον στίχο και στη συγκίνηση που βγάζει το τραγούδι και η ερμηνεία. Με αυτο τον τροπο θα μπορέσουμε να το μεταδώσουμε κατάλληλα στους τηλεθεατές.

Ευχαρίστησε το LGR και όλους τους ανθρώπους του για την ζέστη και χαμογελαστή υποδοχή και ζήτησε την στήριξη μας για την μεγάλη βραδιά.

Μαρία Έλενα Κυριακου στα στούντιο του LGR…

Ευχαρίστησε το LGR και όλους τους ανθρώπους του για την ζέστη και χαμογελαστή υποδοχή και ζήτησε την στήριξη μας για την μεγάλη βραδιά.

Μαζί με την ερμηνεύτρια και τον συνθέτη βρεθηκε και η Μόνικα Παπαδάτου, που κάθε χρόνο και για λογαριασμό της Νεριτ και φέτος και για την Minos Emi αναλαμβάνει μέρος του προγραμματισμού της ελληνικής αποστολής.

Η Ελλάδα διαγωνίζεται στον πρώτο ημιτελικό Τρίτη 19 Μαΐου.

Αν όλα πάνε καλα όπως ευχόμαστε, θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να δούμε Ελλάδα στους δεκτές μας, το Σάββατο 23 Μαΐου στον μεγάλο τελικό της Ευρώπης.

Τοτε λοιπόν θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να ψηφίσουμε και να στηρίξουμε την ελληνική συμμετοχή στο tele-voting.

Ας στείλουμε απο τωρα, καλή επιτυχία στα παιδιά!

Article written by Tony Neophytou
Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos, competing in the Marathon des Sables

Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos, competing in the Marathon des Sables

Dr Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos has become the first person to complete three of the World’s toughest physical challenges whilst simultaneously raising awareness for the Operation Wallacea Trust.

UK based doctor Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos, from Greece, has become the first person in history to complete the world’s highest climb on Everest, swim the rough waters of the English Channel, and successfully run the Marathon des Sables. Generally considered to be the toughest footrace on Earth, the Marathon des Sables covers 250km in six days across the Sahara Desert of Morocco, and Georgios completed the race and made history.

The race was the culmination of years of intense training for Georgios, who has run up to 100 kilometres per week in preparation for the event, whilst even turning his spare bedroom into a Saharan furnace by installing heaters to help his body prepare for the 50°C temperature he would need to endure in order to compete in the race.

Talking about his achievement, Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos commented: “What a privilege it is to be the first person in history to have achieved the Ice Water Fire challenge; the personal stories and experiences along the way, are simply invaluable. The Marathon des Sables turned out to be a rollercoaster of an event during which I had to get through adversity to get to the finish, and by doing so I proudly carried with me the Opwall Trust’s environmental message”.

Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos

Georgios-Ioannis Tsianos

Georgios ran the Marathon des Sables in support of the Opwall Trust, a UK-based charity working with local communities in developing countries to provide commercially viable enterprises linked to the conservation of biodiversity. Environmental degradation and natural resource overexploitation, particularly in the tropics, are widespread. However, the underlying stimulus is seldom greed, but instead is due to desperation and a lack of alternatives amongst communities already living below the poverty line. The Opwall Trust designs and implements the alternative income streams they so desperately need to protect local wildlife for the long term.

Speaking about the trust, the founder, Tim Coles OBE says: “If you live in a poor rural community in a developing country then wildlife conservation is often not top of your agenda compared to the daily struggle to feed and educate your kids! What the Opwall Trust does is to design and invest in small local businesses that are linked to the whole community agreeing not to deforest or hunt in the adjacent forests so there is a direct link between wildlife conservation and raising living standards.”

For more information about the Ice Fire Water callange, visit

Article written by London Greek Radio

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades (pictured) has announced Confidence Building Measures in an effort to strengthen the negotiating process due to resume next month.


In a written statement on Tuesday, issued only two days after the election of Mustafa Akinci to the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community, President Anastasiades said he hoped the measures will create a climate of trust and hope among the entire people of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

The measures include information and maps with regard to anti-personnel minefields in the northern Turkish occupied areas and transferring to EVKAF (religious foundation) the management of the Muslim places of worship that are in the southern government controlled areas and belong to Turkish Cypriots.

In his statement, Anastasiades announced the measures “on the occasion of the resumption of the talks and my strong conviction for the need to create a climate of trust that will be working toward strengthening the negotiating procedure”.

During the “first joint meeting with Mr. Akinci, I intend to hand over maps and information with regard to 28 anti-personnel minefields in the Pendadaktylos area”, the President said.

He also announced the “transfer of the management to Evkaf of the Muslim places of worship that are in the free areas, and which belong to the Turkish Cypriot community and are not under the protection for foreign embassies”.

Anastasiades further said a “decision has been made to hire Turkish speaking officers at the Citizen Service Centers in Nicosia so that the service to our Turkish Cypriot compatriots is made easier”.

He welcomed “the effort that is under way to unify football in Cyprus and I hope that it is concluded successfully at the earliest possible”.

Anastasiades said that it “is well-known that for the purpose stated above I had suggested a mutually beneficial set of Confidence Building Measures, and it is with special satisfaction that I ascertain the willingness of the new leader of the Turkish Cypriots, Mr. Akinci, to engage in a dialogue for the adoption of the Measures that will secure a climate of trust and hope among the entire people of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots”.

In a landslide victory on Sunday, Akinci garnered over 60% of the vote and his opponent Dervis Eroglu 39%.

UN-led peace talks are expected to resume in May, with the top UN Cyprus envoy arriving on the island next week to prepare the ground for the resumption of the talks.

Article written by

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades (pictured) will be meeting the new Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci on Saturday at noon, following a telephone conversation the two had on Tuesday morning. The venue is yet to be announced.


Government Spokesman Nicos Christodoulides told the press today that the telephone conversation took place at the initiative of President Anastasiades and explained this will be a social meeting, however the Cyprus problem and the resumption of the peace talks will be on the agenda.

Replying to a question on the issue of the Turkish occupied city of Famagusta, the Spokesman said that the only proposal on the table, for which the international community is already aware of, is the proposal submitted by President Anastasiades which refers to the fenced off area of Famagusta (Varosha).

Invited to comment on statements by Akinci n the issue, the Spokesman said the Greek Cypriot side is aware of his public statements only. “When we are specifically briefed, then we will be able to comment,” he added.

Replying to another question on the illegal airport in occupied Tymbou, the Spokesman said that when Confidence Building Measures were discussed between President Anastasiades and former Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu, no such thing was included in the document submitted by the Turkish Cypriot side.

He noted that the issue of the operation of the illegal airport is often included in public statements and that the Greek Cypriot side has no official information to this end.

Christodoulides also said that President Anastasiades will be presiding over a meeting of the National Council soon.

To another question about an exchange of words in public between Akinci and Turkish President Tayip Erdogan, the Spokesman said that Cyprus government monitors closely developments related to this incident.

“We watch an attempt by Akinci to break free from Turkey`s dependence. We are sure that the UN and the foreign governments who are interested in the Cyprus problem closely follow these developments. We will also keep following developments and will comment accordingly“, the Spokesman said.

Akinci was elected new leader of the Turkish Cypriot community during a run-off election last Sunday.

Referring to UNSG Special Envoy`s visit to Cyprus, Christodoulides said that Espen Barth Eide will be arriving on the island next Monday.

Commenting on a statement attributed to UNSG Spokesman on “two governments“ on the island, Christodoulides said that Cyprus has made representations to the UN, pointing out however that “we should not doubt the obvious, that Cyprus Republic is the only recognised government on the island.”

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. A new round of UN-backed talks to reunite the island under a federal roof is set to commence in the next weeks.

Article written by


LGR is inviting you to vote for your favourite Cyprus Eurovision track of all time in the poll here. The nation makes a strong come-back to this May’s event in Vienna and it’s timely to ask you what you think…

Cyprus made their debut entry in 1981 with Island song ‘Monika’ with 32 official entrants this far… The Cypriot’s best rating was Top 5th by Anna Vissi, Hara and Andros Constantinou and Lisa Andreas producing the highest finish. 

The most familiar  Cypriot singers Anna Vissi, Ivi Adamou, Constantinos Christoforou, Evridiki, Michalis Hatzigiannis, Despina Olympiou and  Alexia have all sung for the island in the music competition held yearly.     

John Karayiannis the 20 year-old born in Limassol will be flying the Cypriot flag, with ‘One Thing I Should Have Done’. The sweet melody track is written by Mike Connaris, a London Cypriot song-writer at Mcasso Studios in Great Marlborough Street, previously wrote 2004’s Top 5th entry ‘Stronger Every Minute’ which equal’s our best ever…

Cyprus competes in Eurovision Semi-Final 2 airing on Thursday 21st May at 8pm, and if you are UK based your tele-votes will be adding to jurors for the 10 qualifiers that night.

Meanwhile, Eurovision’s grand final will take place on Saturday 23rd May at the Wiener Stadthalle in Vienna.

[poll id=”5″]

Article written by Tony Neophytou

The forthcoming UK General Election on 7th May 2015 represents a unique opportunity for UK Cypriots to exercise their democratic right and to vote for the party and parliamentary candidate of their choice. We urge all Cypriots in the United Kingdom eligible to vote in the General Election to do so. British Cypriots should first ensure that they are registered to vote: you have until the 20th April to register, if you are not already on the electoral register*.


Importantly for UK Cypriots, this election comes at a sensitive time for Cyprus with negotiations to rid the island of Turkey’s military occupation and to reunite the country due to recommence. The UK is a Guarantor Power of the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus and has important responsibilities by virtue of that role, as well as through its permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council and as a leading member of the European Union and the Commonwealth, not to mention the responsibility of all states to uphold international law and human rights.

The General Election is an opportunity for British Cypriots to raise the Cyprus problem’s profile on the political agenda of this country. For this brief period in the electoral cycle, all political parties will be seeking our views. The remaining days before polling are our chance to highlight the Cyprus problem repeatedly to those people who seek to represent us over the coming years and to seek to make it a priority on the foreign policy agenda of the new UK government. This is even more important at a time when so many new MPs are likely to be elected.

We have a responsibility as a community to make candidates from all parties aware of the plight of Cyprus and Britain’s historic responsibilities to the island and its people.

This election is also an opportunity for UK Cypriots to support Members of Parliament from all parties who are seeking re-election and who have a proven track record of working with us and supporting and promoting the cause of a reunited Cyprus in Parliament. We urge British Cypriots to vote for such candidates on 7th May 2015.

In conclusion, we call upon all British Cypriots to use the remaining critical period before polling day to inform, discuss with and lobby the people who seek our votes.

* Register to vote by going to

Article written by LGR/NFC

Relieving the biggest moments in Greek Eurovision history, all 36 entries flying the flag…

The London Greek Radio Poll is inviting you to vote for your all time favourite Greek Eurovision track or (tracks)… here…

Its 10 year’s since the advent of Greece first winning song with Elena Paparizou ‘My Number One’ and this is massively historic in context of the 60 years of Eurovision Song Contest in 2015.

The debut song with Marinella ‘Krasi, Thalassa Kai T’Agori’, way back in 1974, initiating all 36 entries to this point. 

LGR Poll… you can vote for fun…  

[poll id=”4″]


Article written by Tony Neophytou