Greece has made it through to the Grand Final of the Eurovision song contest after Maria-Elena Kyriakou’s dynamic and at the same time emotional performance of ‘One Last breath’, a song she co-wrote with Efthyvoulos Theoharous, during last night’s first semi-final impressed the crowd attending Vienna’s Wiener Stadthalle  arena and won the vote of both the TV viewers and that of the professional juries.

The 31-year old, mother of the three, Cypriot-born singer will be joined in this Saturday’s final  by nine other acts from Serbia, Armenia, Belgium, Estonia, Hungary, Russia, Albania, Romania and Georgia.

Finland, Moldova, Netherlands,FYROM, Belarus and Denmark failed to qualify for the final

As one of the ‘Big Five’ countries, the UK has gained automatic qualification to the Grand Final alongside Spain, Germany, France, Italy and current title holders Austria.

Last year’s winner Conchita Wurst opened the show with a performance of ‘Rise Like A Phoenix’, a song penned by Charlie Μason, who has also written Serbia’s entry this year- Beauty Never Lies, performed by Bojana Stamenov.

The second live  semi final, which you can watch on BBC 3 again from 8pm until 10 pm, takes place on Thursday where Cyprus’  John Karayiannis will try his best to secure a place in the final with his melodic  ballad ‘One Thing I Should Have Done’.

For those of you who missed it, this is Maria Elena Kyriakou performing One Last Breath live at the 2015 Eurovision semi-final:

Article written by London Greek Radio

Mayor of Famagusta, Alexis Galanos and members of the Municipal Council were received today by President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades, who briefed them on the latest developments regarding the Cyprus issue, including the Famagusta issue and the Confidence Building Measures.


In statements to journalists after the meeting, the Mayor of Famagusta, which is under Turkish military occupation since 1974, expressed cautious optimism as regards the Cyprus issue, saying that there is a better climate but noted that one must wait and see the stance of the Turkish side at the negotiating table.

Replying to questions he said that the Famagusta issue is included in the overall measures under discussion and added that under discussion is also the issue concerning the entrance of UN experts to the city.

The return of Famagusta can not take place in just one day, he said, adding that the Municipal Council is satisfied that the issue is on the right track.

“But I want to stress that apart from the Famagusta issue, we are interested of course in the overall solution of the Cyprus problem, the withdrawal of Turkish troops, the creation of conditions of peace so that our children can have a better future”, he went on to say.

He added that Famagusta can serve as one more tool that would contribute to the effort to reach a solution and recalled numerous UNSC resolutions calling for the return of Famagusta.

Referring to the Confidence Building Measures he said that their goal is to create a positive climate that would enable the achievement of an overall solution. In order to achieve that, Turkey must show the necessary political will, he concluded.

Cyprus has been divided since the Turkish invasion in 1974. A new round of talks under UN auspices recommenced this month.

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British police said on Saturday that they are investigating new leads after the family of Ben Needham, the toddler who disappeared on the Greek island of Kos 24 years ago, appeared on Greek TV on Friday night.


South Yorkshire police said they received “a number of calls” after the Fos sto Tounel (Light at the End of the Tunnel) show on Alpha TV.

The Daily Telegraph claimed that one man called in and suggested that he may be Ben.

Previous sightings or DNA tests on possible matches have proved fruitless.

Ben’s mother, Kerry Needham, his grandmother Christine and sister Leighanna took part in the three-hour TV show.

“Please end the pain that my family is suffering,” said Kerry during the program. “I know he’s out there somewhere.

Please call the police and please put an end to this.”

The UK Home Office granted South Yorkshire police 700,000 pounds (970,000 euros) to support Greek authorities in the continued search for Ben, who would currently be 25.

Article written by ekathemerini

Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides (pictured) expressed his optimism about the prospect of the resumed talks between the two communities in Cyprus, aiming at reaching a lasting settlement of the Cyprus issue.


In his interview with LGR, the Foreign Minister dismissed suggestions that the British and the Americans have been exercising pressure on Cyprus to adopt a tight timetable with regard to the settlement talks. “No attempt to put pressure as far as the duration (of the talks) would be productive or helpful and no one has mentioned anything about time,” remarked Kasoulides, stressing that it is “the quality and not the duration of the negotiating process that comes first.”

Asked to comment on the Turkish Cypriot negotiator Ozdil Nami’s statement that he aims for an agreement by the end of the year and on suggestions of a possible double referendum in the spring of 2016, Ioannis Kasoulides commented “why not”, wishing for sufficient progress in the resumed talks. But he repeated that the quality of the solution should not be disregarded in favour of speed.

He added that he strongly believes the European Union will get engaged in the negotiations once they have entered a “serious course”. This engagement would not entail any changes in the UN framework of the process, but would consist of advice and guidance in order for the content of any settlement to be compatible with the European acquis and workable within the EU. He also refuted suggestions that Britain has reacted negatively in any prospect of EU involvement in the final phases of the negotiations.

Commenting on the source of his optimism, he pointed to the reasons of Akinci’s ‘election’ by the Turkish Cypriots: “These reasons send a strong message. Apart from their wish for a resolution to the Cyprus issue, their main message is that they do not wish to be absorbed by Turkey; they want a Cypriot future. This is the message our community needs to comprehend and react accordingly.”

Kasoulides was also asked by LGR to comment on the “weak” reaction by the UK to the incursion by the Turkish vessel Barbaros into the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cyprus, which led to the suspension of the talks. “If the countries that had this weak reaction, the British included, gave Turkey the impression that she gained something from such action, then it amounts to nothing else than an encouragement for Turkey to repeat it. But they should know that if Turkey repeats it, then every effort to get into a smooth process of settlement in Cyprus will sink. I hope they are acting pre-emptively and explaining to Turkey that if she attempts anything similar this time she will have to face severe consequences with them.”

Article written by LGR/CNA

Σε ρυθμούς Final 4 ζει η Μαδρίτη και ολόκληρη η μπασκετική Ευρώπη καθώς αύριο ξεκινά η μεγάλη διοργάνωση, που έχει και ελληνικό άρωμα με τη συμμετοχή του Ολυμπιακού Πειραιώς.


Στη μια μετά το μεσημέρι θα γίνει η απονομή των βραβείων στα μέλη της καλύτερης πεντάδας. Αυτοί είναι οι Βασίλης Σπανούλης, Νεμάνια Μπιέλιτσα, Μίλος Τεόντοσιτς, Φελίπε Ρέγιες και Μπόμπαν Μαριάνοβιτς. Επίσης, θα απονεμηθούν τρία ακόμα βραβεία, του καλύτερου ανερχόμενου παίκτη στον Μπόγκτναν Μπογκντάνοβιτς, του καλύτερου αμυντικού στον Μπράιαντ Ντάνστον και του πρώτου σκόρερ (βραβείο Αλφόνσο Φορντ) στον Τέιλορ Ρότσεστι.

Αμέσως μετά θα αρχίσει η συνέντευξη Τύπου του Final Four, με ομιλητές τους τέσσερις προπονητές και τέσσερις παίκτες των ομάδων (Σπανούλης, Τεόντοσιτς, Νεμάνια Μπιέλιτσα, Φελίπε Ρέγες) και τον εκτελεστικό διευθυντή της Ευρωλίγκας, Τζόρντι Μπερτομέου.

Το απόγευμα οι τέσσερις ομάδες θα πατήσουν παρκέ για τις προπονήσεις τους. Ο Ολυμπιακός θα προπονηθεί πρώτος στις 15:30, θα ακολουθήσει στις 17:00 η προπόνηση της ΤΣΣΚΑ, στις 18:40 της Φενέρμπαχτσε/Ούλκερ και στις 20:15 της Ρεάλ Μαδρίτης.

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Greece’s culture minister Nikos Xydakis (pictured) announced on Wednesday that diplomacy and political dialogue rather than legal action is the government’s preferred strategy for the return of the Parthenon marbles from the British museum.


“On the one hand, you can’t file a suit over any issue, and, on the other, the outcome in international courts is never certain,” Xydakis told journalists during an interview he gave to one of the country’s private TV networks, Mega Channel.

“The way to winning back the Marbles is diplomatic and political,” the minister said following the publication of a 150-page report by the British firm of cultural heritage lawyers Norman Palmer and Geoffrey Robertson, urging Greece to take swift legal action.

Regarding Amphipolis, he said that the finds at the site were significant but  the previous government’s approach of media overexposure  had turned a purely scientific process into a media “circus”. He said that work is now taking place at a much more discrete level and is focused on preserving and restoring the site.

Article written by LGR

Attorney General Costas Clerides has filed an application to the Supreme Court seeking the dismissal of his deputy Rikkos Erotokritou (pictured) from his post as a Deputy Attorney General because of misconduct.ÂÏÇÈÏÓ ÃÅÍÉÊÏÓ ÅÉÓÁÃÃÅËÅÁÓ Ñ. ÅÑÙÔÏÊÑÉÔÏÕ - ÄÇÌÏÓÉÏÃÑÁÖÉÊÇ ÄÉÁÓÊÅØÇ

In his application, Clerides also asks for Erotokritou to be suspended or ordered to abstain from his duties until the hearing and the completion of the application.

According to an announcement issued today by the Law Office, Erotokritou`s misconduct refers to activities, actions and statements by the Deputy Attorney General during the period between 14.4.15 – 23.4.15 as well as the handling of criminal cases concerning VAT under circumstances that suggest a conflict of interest in an earlier period.

The Supreme Court will sit in full plenary session on 25th of May to hear the case.

The Attorney General is being represented by private lawyers George Triantaphyllides, Christos Clerides and Achilleas Emilianidou.

The investigation of the case, which was initially assigned to Panayiotis Kallis and then to two other independent criminal investigators, is expected to conclude within the next few days.

An independent criminal investigation report indicates that Erotokritou could be guilty of bribery and corruption. These allegations were attributed to Central Bank Governor Chrystalla Georghadji by CBC board member Stelios Kiliaris, during a House Ethics committee session.

Shortly after Clerides` announcement, Deputy Attorney-General announced that he will also file an application to the Supreme Court in the coming days, asking for the dismissal of the Attorney General.

In his announcement, Erotokritou says that a request on his behalf will be registered in the next 24 hours with the Supreme Court, asking for the dismissal of Costas Clerides from his position because of misconduct.

Erotokritou requests also for Clerides to be suspended or ordered to abstain from his duties until the hearing and completion of the application.

Article written by CNA

Δύο αγωνιστικές πριν την ολοκλήρωση του Πρωταθλήματος και εκτός από τη διεκδίκηση του τίτλου και των θέσεων που οδηγούν στην Ευρώπη, υπάρχει άλλη μια «μάχη» η οποία ακόμη δεν έχει κριθεί.

CNA_Cyprus Football

Οπως αναφέρει ανακοίνωση της ΚΟΠ, πρόκειται για την πρώτη θέση στον πίνακα των σκόρερ την οποία διεκδικούν αρκετοί ποδοσφαιριστές, με δύο εξ αυτών όμως να έχουν προβάδισμα.

Πρόκειται για τον Μίκαελ Ποτέ της Ομόνοιας και τον Ονίλο του Ερμή που έχουν πετύχει από 15 τέρματα. Στα 13 βρίσκεται ο Φώτης Παπουλής του Απόλλωνα και στα 12 ο Ανδρέας Μακρής της Ανόρθωσης και ο Ράφικ Τζιμπούρ του ΑΠΟΕΛ.

Οι δύο τελευταίες αγωνιστικές θα καθορίσουν τον ποδοσφαιριστή που θα πάρει τον τίτλο του πρώτου σκόρερ ενώ, υπάρχει πάντα και το ενδεχόμενο της συγκατοίκησης στην κορυφή, κάτι που έγινε πέρσι με τρεις ποδοσφαιριστές, τον Μοντέιρο, τον Τακμπατζουμί και το Σανγκόι που ειχαν πετύχει από 18 τέρματα.

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Συνεδριάζει αύριο το μεσημέρι το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο της Super League, κατά τη διάρκεια του οποία θα συζητήσει ζητήματα εκ της θέσπισης του νέου νόμου «Επείγοντα μέτρα για την αντιμετώπιση της βίας στον αθλητισμό και άλλες διατάξεις».


Όπως αναφέρεται στην ιστοσελίδα της Super League, τα θέματα της ημερήσιας διάταξης έχουν ως ακολούθως: Επικύρωση βαθμολογίας (ολική ή μερική) κανονικής περιόδου Πρωταθλήματος Super League 2014 – 15, Σύμβαση ανταποδοτικής χορηγίας του Συνεταιρισμού, Θέματα συμβάσεων του Συνεταιρισμού για τα επόμενα έτη – Σύσταση Επιτροπής, Διάφορα.

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The leaders of the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities will resume talks for the reunification of Cyprus on Friday May 15th, as the Special Advisor of the UN Secretary General for Cyprus Espen Barth Eide announced on Monday night.

Mustafa Akinci(L)-Espen Barth Eide(M)-Nicos Anastasiades(R)

Mustafa Akinci(L)-Espen Barth Eide(M)-Nicos Anastasiades(R)

Speaking to the press following a dinner with the two leaders, President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, Eide said that the meeting took place in a very positive atmosphere, adding that both leaders shared their vision for the future of Cyprus.

“In the spirit of the joint declaration of the 11th of February 2014 they agreed that it was important to use the momentum created and this new opportunity to move forward without delay,” he said.

The leaders expressed their strong, joint commitment to move forward in a constructive and dedicated manner and for that reason they agreed to hold the first leaders` meeting on Friday the 15th of May to go through a general exchange of views and to agree on the modalities for the structuring and the frequency of the meetings, Eide added.

“I want to add from my side that I think this is a unique opportunity, an opportunity that will be grasped and it is truly rewarding to work with two leaders with such a strong commitment to seeing a sheer challenge that can only be solved through a shared effort to find a shared solution”.

He also said that he is very much looking forward to the continuation of the talks. “As you have understood, we will start working and working hard already in the morning of the 15th of May, this coming Friday”.

The Special Adviser had a meeting with the leaders that lasted approximately half an hour which was followed by a dinner in the presence of the negotiators of the two sides, Andreas Mavroyiannis and Ozdil Nami and UNSG Special Representative in Cyprus Lisa Buttenheim.

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