Αποκλείστηκε σήμερα το απόγευμα, από τη συνέχεια του Γουϊμπλεντον, ο Κύπριος αντισφαιριστής Μάρκος Παγδατής.


Ο Παγδατής ηττήθηκε με 3-0 σετ (6-3, 6-4,6-2) από τον Βέλγο Ντέιβιντ Γκοφίν, Νο 15 στον κόσμο, σε αγώνα για τον 3ο γύρο της διοργάνωσης.

Article written by

The UK government has reiterated, during a debate at the House of Lords, its offer to “surrender” parts of the land in the British Bases back to a reunified Cyprus, once a comprehensive settlement has been reached.


Asked whether the offer initially made over ten years ago is still on the table, the Earl of Courtown Lord Stopford representing the government said: “The Foreign Secretary confirmed to Parliament on 1st June this year that the UK has made this generous offer that as part of a proper comprehensive settlement, we will surrender nearly half of the land mass of the SBA territories.”

Britain, a former colonial power, has retained two military bases in Cyprus, since the country gained its independence in 1960. Britain along with Greece and Turkey are the three guarantor powers of the Republic of Cyprus, according to the 1960 treaties that established the Republic.

The question was posed by Lord Anderson of Swansea who initiated the debate at the Lords’. The Labour life peer also asked “how it is that the guarantor power status still appears relevant when it is not and Cyprus is now a full member of the European Union?”

The government representative replied that “the United Kingdom meets its current obligations under the Treaty of Guarantee through support of the UN-facilitated settlement process, which is aimed at achieving a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as defined by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. This arrangement is not altered by Cyprus’s membership of the European Union.”

In his initial statement, the Earl of Courtown said that the UK government welcomes the “renewed sense of optimism” surrounding settlement talks in Cyprus. He added that both Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Moustafa Akinci are committed to a settlement and that their positive leadership is creating a real sense of momentum.

“There is now an opportunity for the sides to reach a just and lasting settlement. We hope the leaders will use the impetus that exists to make progress on key issues. UK will continue to support the UN-led process and both communities,” added the Conservative peer.

Article written by CNA

Cyprus favours a solution to keep Greece in the eurozone, Government Spokesman Nicos Christodoulides has told CNA, stressing that Finance Minister Harris Georgiades supported the Greek government`s position to restructure its debt at the Eurogroup meeting on Saturday.

Cyprus' Presidential Mansion

Cyprus’ Presidential Mansion

He had been asked on Saturday evening by CNA to comment of a Eurogroup decision on Greece.

“The Cypriot government, the President of the Republic at the European Council and the Finance Minister at the Eurogroup meeting argued for the need to find a solution in order for Greece to remain in the eurozone”, Christodoulides told CNA on Saturday night, commenting on the Eurogroups decision on Greece.

The Finance Minister, he said replying to questions, made a special intervention in support of the Greek government`s position to restructuring its debt.

In its decision, Eurogroup said that it “recalls the significant financial transfers and support provided to Greece over the last years. The Eurogroup has been open until the very last moment to further support the Greek people through a continued growth-oriented programme.”

“The Eurogroup takes note of the decision of the Greek government to put forward a proposal to call for a referendum, which is expected to take place on Sunday July 5, which is after the expiration of the programme period. The current financial assistance arrangement with Greece will expire on 30 June 2015, as well as all agreements related to the current Greek programme including the transfer by euro area Member States of SMP and ANFA equivalent profits. The euro area authorities stand ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure financial stability of the euro area.”

Article written by CNA

The leaders of the two communities in Cyprus, President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, will hold a new meeting on Monday, in the framework of the UN- led Cyprus talks.

T/C Leader Mustafa Akinci (L)-Esper Barth Eide(M)-Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades

T/C Leader Mustafa Akinci (L)-Esper Barth Eide(M)-Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades

UNSG`s Special Advisor for Cyprus Espen Barth Eide will participate “facilitating the leaders’ meeting, as the leaders progress in the ongoing substantive negotiations on all unresolved core issues”, a press release by UNFICYP said.

In a statement after their previous meeting on the 17th of June, Eide had said that “with strong determination, and driven by their joint commitment,” the two leaders “pursued their goal of reaching a comprehensive settlement as soon as possible.”

He added that “upon completing the baseline assessment, the leaders are now entering into substantive negotiations on unresolved core issues. The leaders agreed that these negotiations will be the centerpiece of their work from now on and that they will be dealt with in a holistic and interdependent manner”.

Therefore, he added, “Mr. Anastasiades and Mr. Akıncı have tasked their negotiators to focus their work on a specific set of core issues across chapters. They will work intensively on this task and report back to the next leaders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2015.”

Eide said that the leaders also reviewed the implementation of those confidence building measures that were previously announced and that Akıncı and Anastasiades continued their work on further confidence-building measures in parallel to the negotiation process.

Eide will remain in Cyprus until Thursday, July 2, to continue his contacts with key interlocutors. In the course of his stay on the island, he will also chair the joint negotiators’ meetings which will be held following the leaders’ meeting.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied 37% of its territory. UN-led talks, aiming to reunite the island under a federal roof, resumed on May 15, this year.

Article written by CNA

The negotiators of the two communities in Cyprus continue on Friday their discussion in the framework of the resumed UN – led peace talks.


Greek Cypriot negotiation Andreas Mavroyiannis and Turkish Cypriot negotiator Ozdil Nami began their meeting this morning continuing the discussion on issues of substance according to the guidelines they received by the leaders of the two communities on the island, President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci.

Last week, President Anastasiades said that the two negotiators “have done a great job in identifying convergences and divergences on all issues”.

This, he noted, allows him and Akinci “to give further instructions for processing based on the interconnected negotiation of chapters, so that on the 29th of June we actually enter into a substantive negotiation on the chapters that will be before us”.

It is recalled that UN SG`s Special Advisor for Cyprus Espen Barth Eide was present in the negotiators` meeting on the 19th of June. In a twitter message after the meeting Eide wrote that he is “impressed by how the two Cyprus negotiation teams, led by Nami and Mavroyiannis demonstrate courage, creativity, and mutual respect”.

The next meeting of the two leaders will take place on the 29th of June. UN SG`s Special Advisor will also be present at that meeting.

The Republic of Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and since then occupies 37% of this Mediterranean EU island`s territory. UN-led talks, aiming to reunite the island under a federal roof, resumed on May 15, this year.

Article written by CNA


Tamta goes American Horror Story with her new video and we absolutely love it!

The story begins inside the dark filthy rooms of a hospital where Tamta is using young males as guinea pigs to test her poison.

The singer chose a dramatic vintage look with pin curls and a bold berry-red lipstick to recreate the black-widow look. She shows off her fit figure with revealing beige lingerie and she seems determined to kill all these helpless men in order to discover  the secret for the elixir of eternal love.

The video is directed by Apollonas Papatheoharis and it is inspired by the famous series American Horror Story.

The second season of the American TV program was called Asylum and portrayed the tortured lives of patients inside the mental institution at the hands of doctors. The dirty brick walls and the abused male bodies exposed the inspiration for the video. The video is different and interesting and the song is expected to be a big hit in many European countries this summer.

Watch the official music video here:

Article written by Efcharis Sgourou
Kostas Martakis

Kostas Martakis

Kostas Martakis has just released his new official music video for the song ‘Pes To Nai’. After three intense days of shooting with Kostas Kapetanidis in the Ionian Island Zante, the result is magnificent.

The majority of the video was shot on the famous Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Beach). Kostas had an interview today in which he was asked about his new video. He jokingly mentioned that he got really upset when the director wanted him to stand closer to the edge of the cliff so they could get a breath-taking frame of Martakis over the shipwreck.

He also commented on his latest transition from pop to the more laiko style of his songs.

Although the Kostas confirmed that he is still going to perform pop song, he feels he needs to have a slight change in career path and that includes music style. When asked if he is anxious about this musical transition he responded with certainty that he is confident with his new path because he loves laiko as much as he loves pop.  ‘I can’t please everyone’ said the popular Greek singer in order to defend his decision. Though the song ‘Pes To Nai’ seems to be closer to the dance genre rather than laiko.

Music style aside, we couldn’t help but notice that Kostas, the Greek with the baby blue eyes, looks more handsome and radiant than ever in his latest music video.

Watch the official video to ‘Pes To Nai’ here:

Article written by Efcharis Sgourou

The government has dismissed allegations of an abduction attempt of British children by a gang in Cyprus, noting that all the fuss made by British media over this issue was unnecessary and unsubstantiated.


In a written statement he made in the wake of allegations by the media that a gang attempted to abduct three British children in Protaras, a popular holiday resort, Deputy Government Spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos underlined that Cyprus has been and remains one of the safest tourist destinations all over the world, both for locals and foreigners and their children.

Papadopoulos said that British tourists staying at a hotel in Protaras had filed a complaint with the Police that an unknown man was taking pictures and approached their children. He noted that the police acted quickly and arrested a 19-year-old man of Bulgarian origin.

The man was questioned and his mobile phone was confiscated, however nothing inappropriate was found. The police also conducted investigations at this house, where nothing suspicious or inappropriate was found as regards this case or any related offences, Papadopoulos added.

He noted that moreover the police visited the hotel premises and took statements from the British parents that had filed the complaint as well as from their children, however nothing inappropriate came up.

“Consequently the Cyprus government considers that the fuss made by British media is unnecessary and unsubstantiated,” Papadopoulos added.

Article written by CNA
Southgate Summer Festival

Southgate Summer Festival

Southgate Summer Festival:

Saturday 11th July 2015


Where: Chase Side, Southgate Roundabout, Ashfield Parade

Time: 11am til 5pm


Local company Little N’ Large started the Southgate Festivals 2 years ago, in order to improve community spirit in Southgate and the surrounding areas.


Transport For London reported that last year’s summer festival attracted 4,500 more people than normal to the area by tube and it is expected that this figure will increase again this year!


This is a a non profit event.

Entertainment on the day will include: Live Music, Professional Skateboard/Bike Ramp Shows, Bouncy Castle, Kids Carousel, Disney Characters, Face Painting, Horse & Carriage Ride.

This is a free festival so no tickets are needed, just turn up and enjoy!



Southgate Summer Festival Back

Special Thanks


Article written by London Greek Radio

Panos Kiamos has just released a new animated music video for his single, “Apo Asteri Se Asteri”. The song was already very popular on YouTube and so fans have been anticipating the video for almost a month now.

The Greek singer just finished a string of appearances in Athens and is now in Australia promoting his brand new album. His tour is expected to be very successful, since Panos has worked hard this year to create and promote his new album.

Yannis Papadakos, the director, chose a different and unique way to orchestrate his latest music video starting with a close up frame of Panos Kiamos singing and then introducing us to the singer’s animated counterpart.

The drawings are of an altered reality far away on another planet, or star, where the trees are pink and lollipops are growing from the ground and flying is a normal phenomenon.

We love animated Kiamos, but check out the full music video here and see what you think:

Article written by Efcharis Sgourou