Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain is demanding an apology from Lidl. The supermarket giants digitally removed the crosses from the top of an iconic Greek church from their food packaging, causing a stir among some shoppers.

This included a vocal protest from our Greek and Cypriot community based in the UK, who think that Lidl are seizing upon the ‘marketing ploy’ by featuring the German supermarkets own Greek product brand, Eridanous. These often feature meatballs, moussaka, halloumi and Greek style yoghurt.

People turned to social media and the company’s Facebook page in protest at Lidl erasing roof-mounted crosses from a picture of an iconic Greek Orthodox Church on the Greek island of Santorini.

”The company must restore the church and apologise to the public… without making a fuss.”

The Archbishop reflected the protest this week stating faith believers and Greeks alike felt it was a deeply offensive act.

His Eminence said: “They [have] hurt the Christians – not only the Greeks because it was a Greek church – but the Christians [from] what I read. I hope that many others will protest against this silly decision.”

Archbishop Gregorios agreed that the editing decision was ”an immoral act”, adding: ”It is immoral in my eyes to remove something which has been there for 2,000 years and is the symbol that Christ died on the cross for you, for me, for millions of people.

”The company must restore the church and apologise to the public… without making a fuss. This is my suggestion.”

Following the archbishop’s comments, Lidl UK said it had nothing to add to its previous statement: “We are extremely sorry for any offence caused by the most recent artwork and would like to reassure our customers that this is not an intentional statement.”


A number of shoppers contacted Lidl UK’s Facebook page and pledged to boycott the store until the package decision was reversed.

Lidl UK signalled a willingness to bow to customer concerns, saying: “We will ensure that all feedback is taken into consideration when redesigning future packaging.”

Updated: 07/09/2017 Lidl says its food packaging which included the picture of a church with its crosses digitally removed will be changed “as soon as possible”.

Article written by London Greek Radio

Lidl has digitally removed crosses on top of an iconic Greek church from its food packaging, causing a stir among some shoppers.

The German supermarket giant erased the symbols on the roof of the Greek Orthodox church building in Santorini from products in its own-label Greek food range.

The frozen ready meal is part of Lidl’s Eirdanous collection of Greek food which also includes meatballs and Greek style yoghurt.

Eirdanous has been on sale in stores across Europe for more than ten years and marketing designs have undergone a number of changes in that time.

In a statement, Lidl UK told Premier Christian Radio: ”We are extremely sorry for any offence caused by the most recent artwork and would like to reassure our customers that this is not an intentional statement.”

Concern was raised earlier this week when a shopper noticed the edited image on a pack of moussaka in Belgium. The lady contacted RTL, a French-language television station, to express her anger.

The lady contacted RTL, a French-language television station, to express her anger.

Research by Premier has revealed the distorted image has appeared on products available in the UK, including Eirdanous Halloumi with Basil. The image was additionally found on a three-litre Lidl container of olive oil in Germany.

One Twitter user reacted: ”I find the removal of the cross offensive”, while another asked: “Why use churches if you take away the cross? Idiotic!”

A third Twitter user asked: ”Lidl, since when is a picture of a Greek church provocative or disturbing? It only becomes that if you erase the cross!”

The firm signalled a willingness to bow to customer concerns, saying: ”We will ensure that all feedback is taken into consideration when redesigning future packaging.”

One of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea, Santorini’s blue-domed churches are among the key factors behind its popularity among tourists. Hundreds of thousands of people visit each year.

Article written by Premier, London Greek Radio

YOU all know them best as our Cyprus entrant for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. Minus One rocked the Stockholm stage with their hi-tech killer set, which included computer-generated ‘wolfs’ and barred cages, which both still linger in our memories.

Minus One visited London Greek Radio during the Eurovision warm-up tour and demonstrated to show our listeners what they’re made of.

The ‘Alter Ego’ band put out an April announcement stating that both their lead singer Francois Micheletto and bass player Antonis Loizides would be leaving the group at the end of May. In turn, the group have invested in making essential changes and welcomed new lead vocalist Andreas Kapatais, as well as bassist Max O Matic. Despite the band’s shake-up, the changes looked seamless. However, as the boys have wasted no time getting back into the recording studio and indeed have recorded their new song. To sum it up, Andreas and Max have joined existing band-mates Christopher Ioannides, Harrys Pari and Constantinos Amerikanos.

Their new track, ‘The Other Side Of The Mind’, unveils this new exciting line-up. The overall style is definitely a mix of up-front electric-rock and ‘dramatic’ hook-lines to one that creates a more ‘laid-back’ tune. In this reviewer’s opinion, it is a charming song… and a bouncy little number for sure. It’s a touch of sublime simplicity, and the ‘hook’ instantly grabs the listener’s attention. The lyrics are overtly positive in substance stating life is to be lived absolutely joyfully, stating happiness is everywhere.

Check out the video with the lovely elderly couple bopping away while vacuuming and boogieing down the street. I’m sure you would agree with us this is resolutely a feel-good number that will make you smile…

London Greek Radio would like to wish Minus One the best of luck with their brand new song and looking forward to future successes.

Article written by Tony Neophytou

UEFA World Cup Qualifying

RESULTS: Sunday 3 September 2017

Estonia 1-0 CYPRUS                                             Käit 90+2′ #EST

GREECE 1-2 Belgium                                            Zeca ’73 #GRE, Vertonghen ’70, R. Lukaku ’74 #BEL

Gibraltar 0-4 Bosnia and Herzegovina         Džeko 35′, 85′, Kodro 66′, Lulić 84′ #BIH

Upcoming fixtures

7 October 2017

Gibraltar v Estonia
Bosnia Herzegovina v Belgium

10 October 2017
GREECE v Gibraltar
Estonia v Bosnia and Herzegovina
Belgium v Cyprus

Article written by London Greek Radio

Enlightenment is the only weapon that can help promote the national issue, the leaders of Cypriot diaspora have said.

Noting the success of the 19th World Conference of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK), the International Coordinating Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and the World Conference of Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK), the overseas Cypriots told a press conference that their efforts will continue especially after the collapse of the latest talks for a Cyprus settlement at Crans Montana.

Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian and Overseas Affairs, Fotis Fotiou, said this year’s conference was upgraded with new events and greater participation.

He thanked POMAK, PSEKA and NEPOMAK for their work, especially Antonia Michalides, chairwoman of NEPOMAK, noting that the new generation should be supported to maintain affiliation with their roots.

Fotiou praised the overseas Cypriots for their continued willingness to help in finding a solution for the Cyprus problem, adding ”we are at a crucial phase and overseas Cypriots are giving us lessons of unity. We will continue the struggle to end the occupation and this is the message conveyed by this conference”, he added.

The commissioner also said that special emphasis should be given for the diaspora to forge more cooperation agreements with the diaspora of other countries that have a key role. He praised cooperation with the Jewish and Armenian diaspora as they are powerful at decision-making centres.

We have also involved Greece in this, he said and referred to the successful example in the US where the Cypriot, Greek and Jewish diaspora work at all levels, especially the political level as it is a way to promote common interests.

Regarding the missing persons issue, Fotiou said it was tabled by many delegates and they discussed ways to promote and enlighten on the issue at decision taking centres so that Turkey is persuaded and pressured into providing information on the missing persons. ”It is a shame for the international community 43 years on, to still have two-thirds of our missing unaccounted for”, he added.

Regarding the number of overseas Cypriots, he said a first estimation is 500-600 thousand.

On the enlightenment funds, Fotiou said that it is imperative to increase them.

POMAK President Andreas Papaevripidis said that they are examining options, noting that prominent business leaders should make a fund solely for enlightenment.

He also said that the aim is to maintain the Cypriot diaspora because it will always need to support its homeland.

PSEKA president Philip Christopher thanked Fotiou for upgrading the Overseas Cypriots’ conference.
Enlightenment is the only weapon we have, he said, adding neither the Cypriot nor Greek governments have yet appreciated that big funds are needed and that 2 million euros is not enough when Turkey spends 100 million at universities and think tanks.

Noting the effort will continue, Christopher called on Cypriot millionaires to “put their hands in their pockets and help”. Successful Jewish businesses put a two-to three percent of their earnings to support Israel, he added.

On her part, NEPOMAK leader Antonia Michaelides Antoniou said the conference was highly successful especially for the youth, as 40 came from all over the world.

“They came here with a limited understanding of what the conference was going to be about and have left feeling inspired to join our organisation and understand about their roots, history and promote the Cyprus problem and the missing persons issue in their own respective nations.

Regarding the new US administration, Christopher said that the American foreign policy was always pro-Turkish. However, he believes that there will be a change and overseas Cypriots in the US will work with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson who knows the Cyprus problem. At the same time, the new US administration has pledged that it will not allow any problem in Cyprus’ EEZ.

He also said that the diaspora in the US are already working on the President’s forthcoming trip to the US, adding “our attack should be enlightenment, we need everyone to know that the collapse of the talks was due to Turkey and the Cyprus issue is an issue of invasion and occupation.

Regarding the Brexit, Papaevripidis said that surely it will directly or indirectly affect the overseas Cypriots planning about Cyprus, however, so far, there have not been great repercussions.

Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. The latest round of UN-led negotiations in early July this year ended inconclusively and parties to the peace talks are going through a period of recollection.

Article written by Cyprus News Agency, London Greek Radio

Updated August 27th, 2017

The small village of Anafonitria in the northwest part of the island of Zakynthos is being evacuated as the raging wildfire has been threatening houses and human lives. Already some houses have been burned down.

The fire broke out short before 12 noon Saturday in a forest and low vegetation area between Anafiotissa and Volimes. It soon went out of control due to the strong blowing winds.

Firefighters and volunteers are battling against the fire, while aerial means are expected to drop water over the houses to protect them from being burned.

However, the fire is horrific and the flames reach up to ten meters, while the atmosphere is ‘suffocating’, local media report.

According to latest information (2:30 pm local time), the blaze has already reached and burned several shops in the fringes of the village, while those whose houses are not in immediate danger are packing their things to save whatever they can.

The blaze was just 100 meters away from the village houses – or closer.

Traffic police is calling on motorists to avoid driving on the road beyond Katastari in direction of Orthonies, anafonitira and Navagio (Shipwreck).

Anafonitria and Volimes are just 2 km away from the coast, above the famous tourist attraction of Zalynthos shipwreck.

Around 3 p.m., two new fire fronts broke out in the area of Ano Volimes. The new fronts are reportedly 5km away from the fire in Anafonitria.

For the time being, strong winds hinder water dropping helicopters from operating, Athens newsagency reports.

Currently, there are ten fire trucks operating in the area with 25 firefighters.

+++ According to latest information by state ERT TV (3:45 pm), there is no official order for evacuation of Anafonitria, however, Fire Brigades, Civil Protection and local authorities are stand by to implement such a plan. Many people have already left the village. Several houses have burned down. A barn and many animals have been reportedly swallowed by the fire. ERT reporter said that volunteers and local residents are assisting the firefighters in an effort to prevent that more houses are being burned.

UPDATE 1 07:00 pm

The blaze continues its devastating path, has burned down thousands of acres for forest land, at least three houses and an unknown number of shops in Anafonitria village.

Two restaurants outside the Monastery of the same name have been burned and the outside wall of the monastery.

Although there is no official order for evacuation, authorities have made vehicles available for anyone who wants to abandon the area and be transferred to safety.

One fire front is moving to the direction of Navagio (Shipwreck), two others in directions of Maries and Orthonies.

UPDATE 2 10:50 pm

Also in the evening, the fire continues with the same intensity as earlier on Saturday.

More fire truck and more firefighters have been deployed to Zakynthos from other regions.

An extra ferry boat charter is to transport 20 fire trucks and army machinery that will open fire roads. The ferry is expected to arrive after midnight.

The forces are expected to be enhanced with 7 trucks in the morning and two water dropping helicopters.

Aerial means do not fly after dusk.

Earlier Saturday, in a big operation, the fire brigades managed to open the way for 25 private vehicles with some 100 passengers at Porto Vromi. It was mostly tourists who left their cars at the port and went for a visit to the shipwreck by boats. when they return they saw that the blaze was reaching the area.

Mayor of Zakynthos, Pavlos Kolokotsas, speaks of arson. “It is impossible to not think of an arson plan when three fires break out at the same time,” he told private ANT1 TV.

With three fire fronts in Anafonitria, Volimes and  Porto Vromi the night is expected to be very difficult for everyone on the island.

The fire front in Maries.

UPDATE 3 – 01:30 pm August 27

Firefighters were operating all night to limit the fire fronts.

The situation was better on Sunday due to the intervention of water dropping aircraft and helicopters.

Another factor is that the intensity of the winds has temporarily lowered down.

Efforts to extinguish the fire continue without a break.

Wildfires have been raging all summer on the island of Zakynthos and other regions in Greece.

The mayor of Zakynthos said that 30 fires broke out on the island in the month of August and more than 70 since the beginning of summer.

52 wildfires occurred in the last 24 hours across the country.  Strong north winds, the ‘meltemia’, and temperature over 30 degrees have the Greek Civil Protection issuing risk warnings for wildfires.

Authorities arrested a 54-year-old man a responsible for the wildfire in Kaki Vigla, Salamina, on Friday. He is to be charged for causing a fire out of negligence as he was performing outdoor works using a wheel that sparked the fire.

Article written by Keep Talking Greece

Overseas Cypriots, participating in the 19th World Conference of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK) and the International Coordinating Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA), in Nicosia, have called on the Turkish Cypriots, whether in Cyprus or abroad, to work with the Greek Cypriots to end the Turkish occupation and reunify the country.

In a message, overseas Greek Cypriots, who have gathered here, call on the Turkish Cypriots to contribute to maintaining and strengthening the positive climate that has been created and note that in a reunified Cyprus all legitimate residents will be able to enjoy the wealth of hydrocarbons in Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone.

”We reminisce older times and the good relationship between the two communities, in conditions of freedom, democracy, and mutual respect, and we look forward to the moment of reunification,” overseas Cypriots say.

They add that, ”despite the tragic occurrences and despite the continuing occupation by Turkish troops, we believe that the reserves of mutual understanding are enough to form the foundation of a solution that will secure a reunified, independent, federal Cyprus, without occupation troops and settlers, demilitarised, sovereign, with a single citizenship and international identity, based on UN principles and resolutions, the high level agreements, international law, and the acquis communautaire, where human rights will be guaranteed for all its legitimate inhabitants.”

”We believe that the right solution of the Cyprus problem – with the Republic of Cyprus in the EU – gives a new dimension to our common homeland with huge benefits for both communities, safeguarding at the same time the safety and progress of all of us. We must jointly strive so that we can enjoy the benefits our accession to the European family offers us,” they say.

Furthermore, overseas Cypriots note that “it will be possible for all of us to enjoy the newly-discovered wealth of hydrocarbons in Cyprus’ exclusive economy zone, which belongs to all the legitimate residents of our homeland, in a reunified Cyprus.”

Overseas Cypriots call on the Turkish Cypriots, including those living abroad, ”to work and join forces to lift the Turkish occupation and reunify our homeland.”

They call on the Turkish Cypriots ”to contribute in your own way and support the continuation of the negotiating process in the framework of the UN parameters and the good offices mission of the UN Secretary General, so that progress can be achieved, differences can be overcome, and we can arrive at a viable and functional solution.”

Furthermore, they call on the Turkish Cypriots ”to contribute to maintaining and strengthening the positive climate that has been created, including the efforts for confidence-building measures, which will contribute to improving the daily lives of Cypriots and cultivate trust between the two communities.”

”We also believe that it is an important duty of ours to work collectively for the return of the town of Famagusta to its legitimate residents, as provided for in relevant UN resolutions, without pre requisites and reconditions, and for the adoption of other confidence-building measures which will give new impetus to the negotiations and will have a mutual benefit for both communities,” overseas Cypriots note. They add that ”dedication to UN decisions and resolutions, the implementation of international law and the acquis communautaire,

They add that “dedication to UN decisions and resolutions, the implementation of international law and the acquis communautaire, are guarantees for safeguarding the human rights and personal freedoms of us all.”

”We wish to live in a regime of security, through a solution which will exclude the creation of separate states or a confederation. This homeland is ours, all of us, and belongs to all Cypriots,” they concluded.

Article written by Cyprus News Agency, London Greek Radio

Acting President of the House of Representatives Adamos Adamou has said that the contribution of overseas Cypriots to the just cause of Cyprus has always been and continues to be very valuable.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the 19th World Conference of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK), the International Coordinating Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and the World Conference of Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK), in Nicosia, Adamou said that their role is also important in promoting Cyprus as an attractive investment destination, thus contributing to Nicosia’s efforts to return to economic growth.

He stressed that overseas Cypriots continue to constitute valuable supporters of the just cause of Cyprus, noting that their contribution is extremely important, especially with regard to exerting more effective pressure on Turkey in order to cooperate in the efforts to reach a solution of the Cyprus problem.

Referring to Turkey, he said that it is clear that Ankara’s priority remains to upgrade or recognize the self-styled Turkish Cypriot regime, which was illegally declared in the northern Turkish occupied areas of Cyprus and is recognized only by Turkey.

In addition, he said that Turkey’s aim is to exploit Cyprus’ geostrategic position in order to achieve its goals in the region. He said that Ankara is acting in a methodical manner towards this goal, working at the same time for the de-recognition of the Republic of Cyprus, through continuously questioning Cyprus’ sovereign rights in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and using the interests of the Turkish Cypriot community as a pretext.

Adamou said that the Greek Cypriot side, acting on the basis of international law – the Convention of the Law of the Sea of 1982, – is proceeding in a decisive manner towards the promotion of its energy plans, bearing in mind the best interests of all Cypriots.

He also said that the Republic of Cyprus has laid the foundations for cooperation in the region with neighbouring countries, in order to achieve stability and security in the wider region, based on the catalytic role that natural gas can play.

Referring to the Cyprus talks that took place this summer in the Crans Montana resort in Switzerland, he said they resulted in a deadlock, noting that the Turkish side did not demonstrate good will, but rather remained focused on its intransigent stance thus leaving no room for a constructive dialogue to take place.

Adamou said that the Greek Cypriot side will continue to do its utmost to reach a viable, functional and just solution, based on international law, the UN resolutions and the European principles and values.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37% of its territory. The President and the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community Mustafa Akinci have been engaged in negotiations since May 2015. The latest round of UN-led peace talks in early July ended inconclusively and parties to the talks are in a period of recollection at present.

Article written by Cyprus News Agency, London Greek Radio

Are you dreaming of escaping the dreaded British Winter? With the awful summer, we’ve had so far, who could blame you?! Every year thousands of Britons flee for sunnier climes to avoid the dark, dreary days that descend upon us and with a particularly harsh winter predicted to hit the UK this year, it’s no surprise that number is set to grow.

Now, a new BBC One Series; Escape for the Winter is helping people make their dream winter getaway a reality. They want to hear from people who are thinking about or are already planning their trip.

The series will pair sun seekers up with a reputable property expert who will help them get to grips with the local area, as well as secure a property that fits their brief and budget.

If you would like to find out more, contact the casting team at Friel Kean Films on 0141 331 0318 or email:

BBC Series ‘Escape for the Winter’ are currently casting for Greeks & Cypriots for winter getaway format

Article written by London Greek Radio

Two sisters are hoping to find their biological father – more than 50 years after he disappeared.

Charlotte and Natalie Innes are looking for a man they only know as ”Andreas”, who lived with his family on Bourne estate, in Holborn, in the 1960s. Their mother, Pauline Innes, suffered a breakdown and put her two children into care after Andreas was forced to return to his Cyprus homeland for national service.

Natalie, who had just been born at the time, said she had been told that when her father returned from Cyprus he was told he was no longer welcome – and was never seen again.

”I think she was just absolutely heartbroken that he had to leave,” she said of her mother. ”There probably would have been some help for her had it been now. They probably would have given her some anti-depressants or something – but in the mid-1960s there was nothing like that. ”She had to put us two into care. We were living in a children’s home close to Bourne estate.”

Natalie, 53, said that after three years the two girls were taken out of care by their mother when her mental health improved. She settled down with another man, who for most of their lives they thought was their father. ”We were always one big family but we did always look quite a lot different to the other four children,” said Natalie. ”We have dark eyes, darker skin.”

She discovered what her real father looked like only after her adoptive father showed her a photo found in her mother’s belongings after her death.

Natalie said: ”When I was in my 20s I just thought: ‘What’s the point in knowing anything about him. Your father is the man that brings you up.’ ”I also didn’t want to upset his family. He would have started a new life and it could be upsetting for his family if two women appeared out of nowhere saying they were his daughters. It could be tough on his children. But it’s been so long now… Then the other day, my grandchildren were doing the family tree. It was wrong, of course, because they had us down as coming from the same father. So we told them what had happened. It really got us thinking that we should make an effort to find him now.”

She added: ”It’s quite likely he’s still in London. He would be 70 or 80 now. I think I’d just like to sit there, across from him and listen to him speak. I would just like to ask him for his side of things, to find out what happened.”

Article written by Tom Foot, Camden New Journal