LGR live Music Night with our local artists…
LGR presents a night of live music with local acts on Friday 10th August, at Mum’s Bistro Restaurant in Myddleton Road from 7 pm.
Entertaining us on the night are the talented Roger and Tony and featuring Elizabeth Chapman, singing her new songs ‘Xioni Stin Kardia’, ‘Irthes Esi’, & ‘Stis 7’.
Katerina Neocleous is performing on the night. The evening is set to feature original songs and covers; and all-time tune-favourites bringing you a lively start to your weekend…
Join us at Mums Bistro Restaurant, 143 Myddleton Road, Bowes Park, London N22 8NG.
Entry fee is £10; there will be a buffet at £15 per person, and drinks on sale.
Last few tickets, to avoid disapointment… To book your tickets now, call 0208 349 6950.
Sponsored by Meraki Grill in Hampden Square; & The Dr Sergis Academy, learning centre, Enfield
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