Histrionic Haircut The Movie

Histrionic Haircut The Movie

Histrionic Haircut, a new Greek/Cypriot film is coming to London cinemas. The film will star comedy sensation and TV personality Stavros Flatley as the main character, Periklis.

This comedy drama is due to be released in May 2016 and is predicted to be a huge hit among Greek/Cypriot families around London and the world.

The storyline goes that an English Cypriot, 50 year old family-man named Periklis (Peri) runs a fish and chip shop in London. Once Peri’s daughter gets married she decides to go live in Cyprus. She convinces Peri to sell everything he owns and deposit all his money in one of the largest banks in Cyprus at a high interest rate.

Very soon their whole lives are turned upside down, after the Eurogroup’s decision to haircut people’s deposits in Cyprus.

Peri suffers a great shock and as a result he becomes histrionic.

Alongside Stavros Flatley, will star: Elena Xadjiafxenti, Julietta, Velibor Topic, Michael, Koulis Nikolaou, Sofoclis Kaskaounias, Maria Ioannou and Andreas Tselepos.

Keep an eye out for more information about the #HistrionicHaircut film on the LGR website and social media pages. Or visit their website:

Article written by Chris Charalambous

Picketing the Turkish Embassy in London on Sunday 15 November, a vocal demonstration, organised by the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, made itself heard despite the Embassy’s refusal to recognise the protest, or to engage in dialogue with British Cypriots. British Cypriots made their voice heard outside the Embassy condemning the illegal declaration of the pseudo-state and calling on Turkey to remove its troops from Cyprus and to honour its obligations to Europe and Cyprus.

Picketing  15 11 15 (2)

This year marked the 32nd consecutive year of the picket outside the Turkish Embassy on the black anniversary of the illegal Universal Declaration of Independence. The declaration was condemned by UN resolutions 541 and 550 and the illegal state has not been recognized by any country except Turkey. At this year’s picket participants also held a 1 minute silence as a mark of respect for the victims of the ISIS attacks in Paris and all Cypriots who sacrificed their lives for Cyprus’ freedom.

During the picket, the President of the National Federation of Cypriots was joined by the President of POMAK, Officers and Members of the Federation’s Executive, the President of NEPOMAK and the President of EFEK (Cypriot Students in the UK) to deliver a resolution to the Turkish Ambassador. The letter of resolution demanded the withdrawal of the Turkish occupying army and the Turkish colonists illegally transferred by Turkey to the north of Cyprus and called on the Turkish government to abide by the resolutions of the UN Security Council, the European Union and international law. This year, however, the letter also urged Turkey to respond with positive actions to encourage progress in the direct negotiations taking place on the island towards a just and lasting settlement. The resolution also called upon Turkey finally to resolve the terrible human tragedy of the Cypriot people who went missing during its invasion of the island in 1974.

Federation member associations, NEPOMAK and EFEK showed their resolve against the illegal occupation and the self-proclaimed pseudo-state, which remains unrecognised by all countries in the world except Turkey.

Mr Karaolis, Federation President, said:

“We know that Turkey sustains and controls this illegal and unrecognised regime: for more than three decades, the so-called ‘TRNC’ has been a symbol of Turkey’s bullying behaviour, representing a threat to peace, security and stability on the island and in the region. As we all know the question as to whether or not Cyprus can turn a new page will depend on Turkey’s willingness to remove its army of occupation from the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, and on its sincere engagement with the UN-facilitated process. We call upon Turkey to end its intransigent policy towards Cyprus and with concrete actions respond to the positive momentum in Cyprus for a solution”

Article written by LGR

Keeping the name Rizokarpasso alive!

On the 29th November the Rizokarpasso Association celebrates 40 years and is hosting a very special dinner & dance at The Penridge Banqueting Suite, Arnos Grove.

The event will be a fundraiser for the Association which was created in the wake of the 1974 invasion to represent all of the UK Cypriots from Rizokarpasso and to help support their enclaved compatriots.  In 1977, the Association founded the Help Rizokarpasso charity in order to provide charitable aid to the enclaved and those who have been forced out of Rizokarpasso.

The event will provide food and drink for all guests, raffle prizes and music provided by a Greek DJ. The entry fee is £30.00 per person for what promises to be a memorable and enjoyable evening in the History of the Association of Rizokarpasso.

For more information and tickets telephone 0783 051 8245 or email

Rizokarpasso UK

Article written by London Greek Radio

A joint application from the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots has been put forward to grant Halloumi the same protected status as champagne or Parma ham, meaning only cheese produced on Cyprus could be called halloumi or hellim.

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has offered Greek and Turkish Cypriots his full backing in an attempt to save their brand name in the UK.

The British government are contemplating changing the famous brand of Halloumi/Helim in support of the British halloumi producers.
However, the president of European commissions has hailed the Island’s government by defending their cheese, he said: “The halloumi affair is proof that the island’s leaders are committed to reunifying Cyprus”.

Euripides Evriviades, Cyprus’s High Commissioner in London, vowed: “We will fight to the bitter end to secure our halloumi hellim, a truly Cyprus product.” Hellim is the Turkish Cypriot name for the national cheese.

A columnist from the Cyprus Weekly has made their feelings clear and fired this message: “We can tolerate drunken UK tourists in Ayia Napa and British troops on Cyprus soil, but we will not surrender our soft cheese colonial rule”.

In 2013 Greek Cypriots exported £58 million worth of Halloumi, with Britain accounting a third of that sum. This proves Halloumi is more than just cheese. It represents Cyprus and is accountable for a high amount of their profits.

Article written by Chris Charalambous
Monica Michael •

Monica Michael •

Monica Michael entered through as the X Factor wild card on Saturday after not making the cut for Mentor, Rita Ora’s initial selection.

The 25 year old of Cypriot roots was on the show previously in 2014, only to be rejected by Cheryl Fernandez Versini. Despite Monica singing a touching rendition of ‘My Angel’, she thought she had suffered a similar setback this year, as fellow contestants Louisa Johnson, Lauren Murray and Kiera Weathers, were picked ahead of her by mentor Rita Ora, as part of the 12 remaining contestants for the live shows.

The news of Monica’s comeback broke out on the Xtra Factor, which is the spin-off show for the X-factor where judge Simon Cowell expressed his desire to bring Monica back to the show.

He Said: ‘I just thought I have to bring her back, the show would not be the same without her’.

Monica, who first performed at a number of LGR events once posted a video of herself dancing to a Tsifteteli song by Nikos Kourkoulis called ‘Kapou Kapou’ which obviously gets our vote!

After rejecting Monica the chance to advance to the live shows in 2014, Cheryl Fernandez Versini was delighted for the North Londoner and scrubbed the tag ‘Wildcard’ off her name: ‘I want to get rid of the word Wildcard. For me, you are a complete competitor. ‘You were my biggest mistake from last year and the timing for you, is now’.

The performance at the Judges houses reduced guest judge Meghan Trainor to tears, and mentor Rita Ora was relieved that her contestant would be getting a second chance in the competition.

She said: ‘I should have put her through in my final 3. She is a ‘rough diamond’. ‘I could not sleep Sunday night thinking about if I could convince the other judges of giving her a wildcard’.

The Cypriot, who is clearly a favourite of the judges, seems to have made an emotional connection with judges and fans alike. The boy’s Mentor Nick Grimshaw claims to have been a fan of Monica from the 2014 series of the show. ‘I am so happy you’re back, you’re a serious contender for this show which is really annoying for me because you’re not in my category’.

Her re-introduction to the live shows will no doubt pose a threat to show favourites Louisa Johnson, Che Chesterman and 4th Impact. All at LGR will be backing her involvement in the competition from here-on-in and whatever happens, she will be seen as a winner.

Article written by London Greek Radio

Μια νίκη και μια ήττα ήταν των δύο ομάδων της Θεσσαλονίκης στην πρεμιέρα του EuroCup. Ο ΠΑΟΚ κέρδισε στη Θεσσαλονίκη τη Ζολνόκι ενώ αντίθετα ο Άρης ηττήθηκε στην Τουρκία από την Τραμπζονσπόρ.


Συγκεκριμένα, με 6/6 βολές του Κώστα Βασιλειάδη στο τέλος τρης αναμέτρησης, ο ΠΑΟΚ επικράτησε δύσκολα με 72-69 της ουγγρικής Ζολνόκι Ολάι, στην Πυλαία, για την πρεμιέρα του 5ου ομίλου στο EuroCup.

Τα δεκάλεπτα: 24-12, 37-32, 54-52, 72-69

Από την άλλη ο Άρης ηττήθηκε στην Τουρκία, με 74-71, από την Τραμπζονσπόρ του Νέναντ Μάρκοβιτς, για τον 4ο όμιλο της διοργάνωσης.

Article written by

The London Greek Film Festival, independent, alternative, progressive and creative as ever, remains loyal to its objective, despite the adversities: to act as the international meeting point for contemporary Greek film from across the world. The Festival, founded in 2008 by director Christos Prossylis and London’s Cosmocinema, continues to showcase the film productions of Greek interest in all its forms.


This year the Festival will take place from 19 to 25 October. During this week it will present more than 55 selected films at Camden’s Theatro Technis (26 Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TT); it will also present 11 selected short and feature film scripts online. Screenings include feature films, short films, documentaries, experimental films and video art.

The Festival accepts films and scripts by Greek film makers from around the world, but also by non-Greeks whose work bears some Greek interest. It has established itself as one of the most prestigious events when it comes to showcasing contemporary Greek culture in the British metropolis and in Europe, projecting a positive and creative face of Greece. At the same time it creates networking and collaboration opportunities and it promotes new technologies which combine good old cinematography with the new possibilities offered by the modern film world.

On Saturday 24 October, Theatro Technis will host the ‘Odysseus Awards’ ceremony, during which the best films by category, will be announced, as voted by the judging committee. There will also be a ‘Viewers’ Award’ winner.Awards will also be presented to best actors, screenwriters, film makers and performers. The awards ceremony will be presented by the London based Greek correspondent Thanasis Gavos.

The Festival will draw to an end on 25 October with two very interesting informative / introductory workshops. The first one will be about the Festival’s new project in collaboration with London’s Cosmocinema: the ‘Filming in Greece’ international agency, set up to facilitate those who want to use Greece as their filming set. The second workshop will be an introduction to the ‘Acting Code’ method, developed over the previous decade by director Christos Prossylis and updated through his research theatrical group Cosmotheatre of London. The method is now available to the public.

The full programme of screenings and events is now available on the Festival’s website, will full description of the films and scripts – including images and trailers.



Article written by LGR

On Saturday 3rd October, Prosopa Events presents ‘Guess who’s going to die tonight’ (Μάντεψε ποιος θα πεθάνει απόψε) for two exclusive shows which will take place on Saturday 3rd October at The Mermaid Theatre in London.

The Greek theatre play with iconic actress Katia Dandoulaki is launching the 3rd successful season with a UK première in London. The play is a gripping psychological thriller, promising a night full of mystery.

Based on Robert Thomas’s ‘Trap for the lonely man’, the play was adapted by Mihalis Reppas and Thanasis Papathanasiou and revolves around the story of a woman, who rapidly started losing her mind after her husband’s disappearance.

Being the first Greek theatre play of this kind in London, the show is set to be a unique one, suitable for all sorts of ages.

The play

‘Guess who’s going to die tonight’ is a gripping psychological thriller concerning a woman (Kathryn, played by Katia Dandoulaki) whose husband has mysteriously disappeared. Kathryn reports the disappearance to the police, and soon the police inspector (Tasos Kostis) and the chalet owner (Eleni Krita) visit her at the chalet for the investigation purposes.

The routine inspection suddenly turns into a chain of unexpected events when the man claiming to be her husband (Thanos Kalioras) suddenly enters the room! Kathryn is convinced of some sort of conspiracy around her, as the man and various witnesses confirm that he is in fact her husband, but she knows it’s not him! Can the two witnesses (Tzois Evidi & Pantelis Kanarakis) solve the mystery or not?

Kathryn increasingly believes that everyone around her aims to drive her mad for some reason… But why?! Who can guess the finale?

For more information and to book tickets, click here.

Article written by London Greek Radio

Calling all Greek music lovers. Alekos Zazopoulos has a new official audio release; a song titled Aharistia.

Stop everything and have a listen, right here:

Article written by Miranda Athanasiou
UK Cypriots protest in Trafalgar Square...

UK Cypriots protest in Trafalgar Square…

This Sunday Cypriot’s march on Central London at this July’s anti-occupation rally, as this month marks 41 years since invading Turkish troops seized and occupied the northern one third of the Cyprus Republic, infringing and violating the territorial sovereignty of the Cypriot state, on the fateful tragic day, on July 20th 1974.

The protest rally begins outside Turkish Embassy in Belgrave Square at 3pm and marching on to Trafalgar Square for the main event itself.

Those gathered will be addressed by the Cypriot Minister of Agriculture Nicos Kouyialas and, pro-Cyprus British MPs will be giving short speeches to show their mutual support and solidarity to speed up efforts to put stop to the continuing division on the island.

The newly elected president of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK, Christos Karaolis, urged Cypriots to pull-off this ”one small sacrifice” by their presence at the march, adding their voices to the cause and urging the UK Government’s backing to a ”just and sustainable solution” and one that brokers agreement to reuniting the country as a whole.

Christos Karaolis, the president of the National Federation of Cypriots UK...

Christos Karaolis, the president of the National Federation of Cypriots UK…

Speaking to Drive Time host Tony Neophytou, Mr Karaolis, directly appealed to listener’s patriotic instinct. ”The fact you are listening to LGR means that something inside of you says you are a Cypriot, something inside of you makes you feel passionate about Cyprus be it whether you are born on the island or not, something inside of you feels passionate and I would ask you to demonstrate that passion this Sunday by turning out at 3 o’clock outside the Turkish Embassy on Belgrave Square where we will set off towards Trafalgar Square arriving there at 4pm, where we will joined by guest speaker minister of Agriculture for Cyprus, Nicos Kouyialis and parliamentarians… ”

”On the island there’s fresh momentum for a solution, there’s a new round of talks kicking off… we want to show our support here in the UK, that as British Cypriots, we still care deeply about what is going on in the island… we want to see our island reunited”.

”I would encourage everyone whatever their age to turn out and be there with us this Sunday, it’s a small sacrifice that we ask people to make for Cyprus but that small sacrifice if we can do it united as a community we’ll send a message loud and clear to our government here in the UK that as British voters this as an issue is important to us,” the president emphasised.

The umbrella wing, to some 80 associations of Cypriot villages to political parties and professional bodies, the federation has two key goals Christos explained.

”And I guess our goals are two fold first and foremost to lobby the government here in the UK to do what it can to help find a just and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue, and secondly, as a federation to mobilise and advance our community here, we are a community in the UK and we are here to stay, and as a federation we are looking to mobilise and advance it in all walks of life”.

On Tuesday July 7th, a picket will take place outside the House of Commons from the Missing People’s Association and the Cypriot Federation, and a lobby of the chamber will occur at 7:15pm to 9:15pm with MPs being quizzed on their policies and thoughts to Cyprus, Mr Karaolis underlined… ”politicians across the political spectrum coming to join us to talk to us about their ideas on Cyprus and also more importantly to allow members of the community to put their questions to elected representatives about their doing for Cyprus…”

Article written by Tony Neophytou