Talks for a Cyprus solution will resume on April 11, the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, Espen Barth Eide, announced on Tuesday.

Archive photo: President Anastasiades (L) – T/C Leader Mustafa Akinci (R)

According to a press release issued by the Secretary-General`s Good Offices Mission in Cyprus “Cyprus talks will resume following consultations with both sides and today’s meeting between the Secretary-General and the Turkish Cypriot Leader, Mr. Mustafa Akinci in Brussels”.

It adds that leaders will resume negotiations on Tuesday 11 April, at 10am local time (07.00 GMT) and the meeting will be held under the auspices of Eide.

The resumption of talks was announced earlier by Espen Barth Eide, who posted on his twitter account that “After consultations with @AnastasiadesCY & @MustafaAkinci_1 following Sunday`s dinner, we have agreed that #CyptusTalks resume 11 April”.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. UN-backed efforts to reunify the island under a federal roof were suspended when Mustafa Akinci walked out of a meeting in mid February, claiming that a House decision to commemorate, briefly, in school a 1950 referendum advocating union with Greece was in fact a shift in the long standing position of the Greek Cypriot side for a bicommunal, bizonal federal solution in Cyprus.

President Anastasiades has described the decision “wrong”, saying the timing was not right. Akinci said he would not return to the negotiations unless the decision is revoked. The House is set to vote on an amendment on the bill, which essentially annuls the earlier House decision, on Friday 7 April.

The UN Secretary General Special Adviser Espen Barth Eide hosted a dinner last Sunday for President Nicos Anastasiades and the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci. In an announcement, issued after the dinner, the UN noted that the two leaders reconfirmed their joint commitment to finding a solution in the best interest of all Cypriots and exchanged ideas about the way ahead.

Furthermore, the announcement said that Espen Barth Eide would continue his interaction with them in order to lay the groundwork for the resumption of the negotiations as soon as possible.

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Anyone following his career would know that Greek Cypriot singer Kyriacos Georgiou has been enjoying huge success at Spin Records, an independent Greek label. With the release of his latest hit, ‘Κατειλημμένος’ London Greek Radio caught up with Kyri for an exclusive interview about his new single and his exciting plans for the future.

Kyriacos started by talking to LGR about his American tour last January.

“Yes I’ve been keeping myself busy as usual. I have just come off tour from America. I was singing to the Greek Americans on the cruise line Freedom of the Seas by the Royal Caribbean. It was an amazing experience as I got to meet many Greeks from all over America for the second year running.”

His new single ‘Kateilimmenos’ can be described as an up-beat Laiko tsifteteli that has gone straight into the London Greek Radio playlist.

“I just released my new song called ‘Kateilimmenos’ lyrics by Jackpot and music by Giannis Ieremias. I’m happy to be working with this team as we previously worked on many projects before together and we have a great bond and friendship in the studio.

I’m really excited about my new upbeat single and hope that it is liked by my fans and followers.”

The Official Lyric video which was uploaded to the Spin Records YouTube channel has greatly surpassed 100,000 views. Kyri talks to us about its immediate success:

“It’s only just been released but I am getting a really good response and I’m really happy about that! We managed to hit 120.000 views in just under a month and we have only just started promo on it. I hope it carries on like this.”

Kyriacos also revealed that he will be returning to the recording studio soon. He is to follow-up ‘Kateilimmenos’ with a new summer single. He is also in talks with potential venues in Athens looking to confirm where he’ll be performing at the bouzoukia, throughout the up-coming hot season. The work will mean he is often absent from London for long periods and often thinks of home a lot.

“In London I miss my family and friends most but I come over often as much as I can to visit.

Apart from that I want to thank Tony from LGR for always supporting & backing me up in my music career. Thanks Tony & the LGR team for all the support!”

We are looking forward to the new tune and as soon as we have it on our hands, it will be straight on the London Greek Radio air waves. Meanwhile, check out ‘Kateilimmenos’ his current hit, below:

Article written by Tony Neophytou

Following an explosion that has taken place today in the St. Petersburg metro, Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that on the basis of currently available information, it appears that no Cypriot citizen has come of harm.

Entrance of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicosia

It also notes that it is following closely the situation, in coordination with Cyprus` Embassy in Moscow and Consulate General in St. Petersburg. The Ministry says that will continue to monitor the situation closely.

For more information, Cypriot citizens can contact the Consulate General in St. Petersburg or the Ministry’s Crisis Management Centre, as follows:

Consulate General in St. Petersburg

Contact information during office hours (9:00 – 16:30, Monday – Friday)


Furshtatskaya Ulitsa 27
191123 St. Petersburg

Tel.:                            + 7 812 456 22 55
Tel. from Cyprus:     + 357 22 65 1517
Fax:                            + 7 812 456 22 66

Contact information during out of office hours

Tel:                             +7 921 751 40 84
+7 921 186 62 76

Ministry Crisis Management Centre

Tel.:                            +35722801000

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The funeral of singer George Michael took place today during a private ceremony with his family and close friends.

A statement released on behalf of the family today read:

‘We can confirm that the funeral of the singer George Michael took place today. Family and close friends gathered for the small, private ceremony to say goodbye to their beloved Son, Brother and Friend.

‘George Michael’s family would like to thank his fans across the world for their many messages of love and support. We ask that the family’s wish for privacy be respected so that they can continue to live their lives privately, away from any media intrusion.

‘No further details will be released.’

Michael’s funeral had been delayed while his family waited for a coroner’s report to determine his cause of death. It was confirmed on March 7 that George died of ‘natural causes’.

George Michael died in December last year at the age of 53.

Article written by London Greek Radio

UK Special Envoy on Cyprus Jonathan Allen is set to pay the island a two-day visit on Wednesday and Thursday during which he will hold contacts regarding the Cyprus talks.

Jonathan Allen – UK’s special envoy to Cyprus

“Jonathan Allen, the UK’s Special Envoy on Cyprus will visit Nicosia for 2 days on 29-30 March,” a British High Commission press release issued here today says.

During that time, it is added, “Allen will hold contacts with both sides in the Cyprus settlement negotiations, UN Special Adviser to the Secretary-General, Espen Barthe Eide, and meet representatives of civil society and the bi-communal technical committees whose work also makes an important contribution to rapprochement between the communities of the island.”

Speaking on the visit, British High Commissioner Matthew Kidd said that “the UK welcomes the commitment of Mr. Anastasiades and Mr. Akinci to resuming political level talks soon.”

“The two leaders have shown courage and dedication to get this far in their negotiations, and have made remarkable progress,” he added.

He also expressed the view that “with continued commitment and political will on behalf of the leaders, we continue to believe that an historic agreement is within reach.”

Allen has held the role of Special Envoy on Cyprus since the Geneva Conference on Cyprus in January 2017.

He served as Political/Communications Officer at the British High Commission from 1999 – 2002.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. UN led talks between the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities resumed in May 2015 with a view to reunite the island under a federal roof.

The talks were interrupted in mid February by the Turkish Cypriot side, which demands that a decision passed by the Cypriot Parliament relating to a 1950 referendum on union with Greece is revoked, claiming this indicates a shift in the Greek Cypriot side`s goal for a federal solution. The amendment provides that there will be a very brief reference one a year to the referendum at schools.

President Anastasiades has described the House decision as wrong and called on the leader of the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, who walked out of the talks, to return to the negotiating table to discuss pending issues with a view to reach a mutually acceptable agreement to reunite the country.

The UN SG`s Special Adviser on Cyprus is hosting a dinner for the two leaders on Sunday. This is the first time the two will meet since mid February.

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UN Secretary General`s Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide is set to host a dinner for Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci next Sunday, April 2, at Ledra Palace hotel, in Nicosia.

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades (L)-Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci (R)

In a press release the UN SG`s Good Offices Mission in Cyprus announced on Monday that “Eide, will host a dinner for the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Mustafa Akıncı, on Sunday 2nd April.”

“The dinner will be held at the Ledra Palace Hotel within the UN buffer zone,” the press release concludes.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. UN led talks between the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities resumed in May 2015 with a view to reunite the island under a federal roof.

The talks were interrupted in mid February by the Turkish Cypriot side, which demands that a decision passed by the Cypriot Parliament relating to a 1950 referendum on union with Greece is revoked, claiming this indicates a shift in the Greek Cypriot side`s goal for a federal solution. The amendment provides that there will be a very brief reference one a year to the referendum at schools.

President Anastasiades has described the House decision as wrong and called on the leader of the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, who walked out of the talks, to return to the negotiating table to discuss pending issues with a view to reach a mutually acceptable agreement to reunite the country.

Sunday will be the first time the two will meet again.

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Foreign Minister 0f Cyprus Ioannis Kasoulides and his British counterpart Boris Johnson discussed today the prospects for resumption of the negotiations to resolve the Cyprus issue, in the margins of the Council of EU Foreign Ministers, held in Brussels today. I.Kasoulides reaffirmed  President Anastasiades` will to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible, while pointing out that the new Turkish absurd claims such as the issue of the “four freedoms” further complicate the process.

Boris Johnson (L) – Ioannis Kasoulides (R)

Boris Johnson expressed confidence that mutually acceptable formula is feasible on the security issue and I.Kasoulides stressed that while they have filed several constructive ideas, clearly the right unilateral intervention of a third State and perpetual stationing of Turkish troops is out of the question. The Minister met with his British counterpart at the latter’s request to discuss the latest developments in the Cyprus problem.

During the main Council`s works, the Eu 28 discussed  security and defense issues, developments in the Western Balkans, migration and the implementation of the new framework of partnership with third countries, the peace process in the Middle East and the issue of EU – Egypt relations.  A joint meeting of the Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of the EU Member States, also took place, where defense and security issues, such as those arising from the EU`s global strategy.

The EU foreign Ministers also discussed developments in the Western Balkans. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Frederica Mogherini informed them on the tour she has completed in the region. The EU28 also talked about migration, focusing on the 3rd progress report on the implementation of the new framework of partnership with third countries.

The 28 Foreign Ministers also invited the Foreign Minister of Egypt Sameh Hassan Shoukry during lunch,  for a detailed review of the EU – Egypt relations and their prospects.

In his speech I.Kasoulides welcomed the opportunity for comprehensive review of the relations with Egypt (regional, migration, human rights, economy etc.), underlining the strategic role of the country in a turbulent region and the need for the EU support reforms in the country.

Finally, the Foreign Ministers discussed the latest developments in the Middle East as well as how they shaped the roles and positions of the EU in the Peace Process in the Middle East.

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President Nicos Anastasiades has called on Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci to return to the negotiating table for a Cyprus solution with a productive stance, in order to continue the momentum of the talks and maintain all the positive elements that have been achieved in the past 22 months during the UN backed talks.

Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades (L) – Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci (R)

He also calls on Akinci to return to help reconvene the Conference on Cyprus as it was agreed last January during the first Conference in Geneva.

The Presidency of the Republic issued a statement on Tuesday, regarding the meeting the President had earlier today with the Bicommunal Peace Initiative. The President expressed his readiness for a new meeting to be set with the Turkish Cypriot leader to resume the talks from the point they were suspended to reach a just and viable solution on the basis of the February 11, 2014 agreement between the two communities, UN resolutions and the unanimous decisions of the National Council.

He also told his guests, as he has publicly stated, that the decision taken recently by the Cyprus House regarding the Union Referendum was not appropriate and unnecessary.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied 37% of its territory. Anastasiades and Akinci have been engaged in UN-backed talks since May 2015 with an aim to reunify the island under a federal roof.

Akinci walked out of a meeting in mid February, in the framework of the UN-led negotiations on the Cyprus problem. Anastasiades and Akinci had elaborated earlier on in that meeting their positions on an amendment passed by the Cypriot Parliament which includes a once a year reference of no more than ten minutes at schools to the 1950 referendum held in Cyprus, advocating enosis (union with Greece).

President Anastasiades has described the House amendment “wrong” and called on Akinci to return to the negotiating table. Akinci demands that the amendment is revoked before returning to the negotiating table.

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It has been confirmed that singer Demy will represent Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 which will be broadcast from Kyiv, in Ukraine. A song has yet to be publicly released however reports confirm that a song will be selected shortly.

Broadcaster ERT officially confirmed internally selecting Eurovision composer Dimitris Kontopoulos and creative stage director Fokas Evangelinos who were give the job of selecting an artist; they’d chosen Demy to fly the Greek flag.


25 year old Athenian born Demy is a Greek popular artist and Greek fans and local media are already referring to them as the dynamic dream team; suggesting the country has confidence in this years competition entry.

According to an official press release which was released by ERT, Demy aka Demetra Papadea will sing three songs composed by Dimitris live on Greek television on Monday 6th March. Moreover the official music videos to each song will also be revealed on this date.

The public won’t have a chance to listen to any of the songs before that live event, which leaves fans in eager anticipation. Viewers shall be tele-voting for their favourite song through SMS and phone-calls to make sure the best song chosen very wisely.

The information we have been given on the 3 songs is as follows: choice one ‘Angels‘ is a radio-friendly pop-rock ballad with lyrics written by Demy’s siter, Romy Papadea. Choice two ‘When the morning comes around‘ is an ‘American style ballad’ by lyricist John Ballard. The third choice ‘This is love‘ is up-tempo track, jointly written by Romy Papadea and John Ballard. The tunes have already been recorded with ERT’s string Ensemble orchestra whilst the video-clips have taken the song’s creators to the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

With Dimitris and Fokas behind Demy, this year feels for like it could be a strong come-back, for Greece. Not least to try to erase last year’s very early exit.

Fokas was in fact responsible for Elena Paparizou’s ‘My number one’ winning entry in the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest which was held in Kyiv. 12 years later we are back in Kyiv with Fokas (and Dimitris Kontopoulos) heading the team leaving fans with high expectations. Not to mention that Eurovision followers are hoping Kyiv itself is a lucky city for Greece as our only ever win happened there.

Demy is signed to the Panik records family; she won Best New Artist in 2012’s Mad Music Awards. Her hits have included Poses xiliades kalokairia, Tha meineis feugontas, Nothing better, O hlios featuring Alex Leon & Epsilon, Mono mprosta, I zoi, H alitheia moiazei psema, Kratise me and Emeis.

Demy is currently appearing in the musical Mamma Mia! alongside Despina Vandi. She also starred in Fame The Musical, Priscilla, The Sound of Music, and Addams Family.

The Greek entrant will compete in the Eurovision Song Contest’s first semi final, which will air on Tuesday 9th May, televised live on BBC 4, advancing hopefully to the Eurovision Final on Saturday 13th May 2017.

Article written by Tony Neophytou

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades called on the Turkish Cypriot leader to abandon his accusations and return to the negotiating table in a constructive manner, with a view to reach a solution in Cyprus that would meet the expectations of both communities.

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades

Speaking at the Presidential Palace, after Thursday`s meeting between himself and T/C leader Mustafa Akinci, President Anastasiades expressed sorrow for the outcome of the meeting.

During their short meeting in the framework of the negotiations for a Cyprus solution, which began at 1000 in the morning local time, Anastasiades and Akinci elaborated on their positions as regards a decision taken by the Cypriot Parliament on Friday to commemorate the 1950 Enosis Referendum in schools.

President Anastasiades stressed that while the discussion was taking place in a friendly and constructive manner, after a short break as a result of a disagreement between the Greek Cypriot side and the UN, the Turkish Cypriot delegation left the meeting without any reason.

The President said that the Turkish Cypriot leader`s claims as to what happened during today`s meeting are not the real facts and expressed his belief that UNSG`s Special Advisor for Cyprus Espen Barth Eide, who was present at the meeting, will set things straight.

Replying to a question, the President expressed the view that the stance of the Turkish Cypriot side during today`s meeting had been decided in advance.

He emphasized that the Greek Cypriot side and himself remain fully committed to the achievement of a viable and functional solution of the Cyprus problem, and the continuation of the dialogue as agreed before the UN Secretary General on the 12th of January 2017.

The President said that UNSG Envoy Espen Barth Eide tried to convince the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci to return, however he was uncompromising.

President Anastasiades explained that during the meeting Akinci reiterated what he publicly has stated in relation to the concerns of the Turkish Cypriot community because of the decision taken by the House of Representatives, to commemorate in schools a referendum held in 1950 in favor of Cyprus` union with Greece. He pointed out that he explained to Akinci that these concerns are not justified and he referred to the unanimous statement by the National Council taken on Monday, which clearly underlines that the objective is not the union with Greece and is not of course the partition. He also repeated that the Turkish Cypriot side cannot doubt the will of the Greek Cypriots for a solution.

President Anastasiades said that the unanimous statement of the National Council speaks of the commitment to a solution that is fully compatible with the resolutions of the UN General Assembly as well as the Security Council resolutions.

He also repeated that he will not allow anyone to doubt or question our side’s sincere will for a solution that will be accepted by both communities.

The President said that during today’s meeting he referred to various incidents that disregard the sensitivities of the Greek Cypriot community, pointing out that he never sought to stop the dialogue, he did not ask the Turkish Cypriot leader to assume any responsibility or to correct the decisions taken by the political parties in the Turkish Cypriot community.

Furthermore, the President said that he highlighted the progress that has been achieved and the fact that it is important to focus on continuing the negotiations in order to address the remaining differences.

President Anastasiades added that in today’s meeting he pointed out that one should not seek excuses in order to avoid the assumption of responsibility that Turkey bears or to allow Turkey to raise demands that do not concern the interests of the Cypriot people.

He went on to say that such approaches undermine the whole process and are not consistent with is publicly proclaimed. The President called on Turkey once again to contribute to solving fundamental issues of the Cyprus problem that have to do with the concerns of the Greek Cypriot community.

He said that inappropriate or unnecessary decisions or statements give pretext to Turkey or the Turkish Cypriot community and they are exploited in order for them to avoid taking any responsibility.

The President of the Republic also went on to say that the Greek Cypriot side remains fully committed to finding a viable and functional solution and to the continuation of the dialogue as agreed before the UN Secretary General in Geneva on January 12, 2017.

He urged the Turkish Cypriot leader to return to the dialogue and show constructive spirit so that they can achieve a comprehensive solution that meets the expectations of both communities.

Invited to comment on a statement by the Turkish Cypriot leader that it was the President who first walked out of the meeting, he said that the journalists themselves are witnesses to what happened as they were informed from the Turkish Cypriot media that Akinci left the talks, while he (the President) arrived that the Presidential Palace at least half an hour later as he was waiting for Special Envoy Eide to convince Akinci to return to the negotiating table.
Asked about the UN stance and Eide’s efforts, the President said that Eide made an attempt to create an environment of understanding and while referring to the concerns expressed by the Turkish Cypriots, he suggested that they are maybe wrong or right.

He explained that he responded to that saying that it is not accepted for him to doubt the will and intentions of the Greek Cypriot side, especially having witnessed after two years, the stance of the Greek Cypriot side.

The President said that after that, he asked for a small break and while he was outside, the Turkish Cypriot leader and his team walked out. He went on to say that not even Eide himself realised what had happened, he remained in the room and he did not go out to greet the leaders and their teams, as he always does.

He pointed out that Akinci’s statements do not respond to the real situation, adding that he wishes to be really careful in what he says as he does not want to exacerbate the situation. He also expressed his hope that Eide will state the real facts, adding that he will also brief the UNSG on the incident and the accurate facts.

He also spoke about events that are celebrated by the Turkish Cypriots that offend the Greek Cypriots.
President Anastasiades also said that never before an issue was brought up about the celebrations for April 1st, which mark the anniversary of the Cypriot anti-colonial liberation struggle of 1955-1959 and represent the desire and objective for union with Greece.

He pointed out that if our wish is the reunification of our country, we must abandon any pretexts and focus on what is important and crucial in order to give our country hope.

The Republic of Cyprus has been divided since 1974. Anastasiades and Akinci have been engaged in UN-led talks since May 2015 with a view to reunite the island under a federal roof.

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