The London Greek Film Festival, independent, alternative, progressive and creative as ever, remains loyal to its objective, despite the adversities: to act as the international meeting point for contemporary Greek film from across the world. The Festival, founded in 2008 by director Christos Prossylis and London’s Cosmocinema, continues to showcase the film productions of Greek interest in all its forms.
This year the Festival will take place from 19 to 25 October. During this week it will present more than 55 selected films at Camden’s Theatro Technis (26 Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TT); it will also present 11 selected short and feature film scripts online. Screenings include feature films, short films, documentaries, experimental films and video art.
The Festival accepts films and scripts by Greek film makers from around the world, but also by non-Greeks whose work bears some Greek interest. It has established itself as one of the most prestigious events when it comes to showcasing contemporary Greek culture in the British metropolis and in Europe, projecting a positive and creative face of Greece. At the same time it creates networking and collaboration opportunities and it promotes new technologies which combine good old cinematography with the new possibilities offered by the modern film world.
On Saturday 24 October, Theatro Technis will host the ‘Odysseus Awards’ ceremony, during which the best films by category, will be announced, as voted by the judging committee. There will also be a ‘Viewers’ Award’ winner.Awards will also be presented to best actors, screenwriters, film makers and performers. The awards ceremony will be presented by the London based Greek correspondent Thanasis Gavos.
The Festival will draw to an end on 25 October with two very interesting informative / introductory workshops. The first one will be about the Festival’s new project in collaboration with London’s Cosmocinema: the ‘Filming in Greece’ international agency, set up to facilitate those who want to use Greece as their filming set. The second workshop will be an introduction to the ‘Acting Code’ method, developed over the previous decade by director Christos Prossylis and updated through his research theatrical group Cosmotheatre of London. The method is now available to the public.
The full programme of screenings and events is now available on the Festival’s website, will full description of the films and scripts – including images and trailers.
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