8-month-old baby British Cypriot Saylor needs your help.

This is an urgent appeal to save Saylor an 8-month-old baby girl, with a Greek Cypriot grandfather. Saylor has been diagnosed with a very rare type of leukaemia called JMMl affecting only 1 in a million children. Her only hope is a stem cell transplant, we are desperately appealing to people aged 17 to 55 from the Greek Cypriot community and beyond to become a donor.

All it takes is a cheek swab which is simple and painless. Please register on-line today and order your swab kit at dkms.org.uk, you could be the match to save Saylor.

Every 20 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer – those that affect the body’s bone marrow, blood or lymphatic system – such as leukaemia, myelome or lymphona. Yet, just 2% of the UK population is registered as potential blood stem cell donors. People from Cypriot, Greek and mixed ethnicity backgrounds are under-represented as donors.

Diversifying the register is extremely important to people from our community.

dkms.org.uk or scan the QR Code to register today.

Article written by London Greek Radio