The agenda of the next meeting between the two leaders, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, has been agreed between the two negotiators Andreas Mavroyiannis and Ozdil Nami at a meeting they had on Thursday.

The agenda of their next meeting has been agreed
The discussion during the meeting between Mavroyiannis and Nami which took place in the presence of UN SG`s Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide was “very productive,” CNA sources have said.
The same sources added that the agenda of the meeting between the two leaders next Tuesday has been agreed.
This was the last meeting between the two negotiators before the leaders` meeting.
Article written by CNA

Eleftheria Arvanitaki
Eleftheria Arvanitaki is the voice of contemporary Greece. With a career spanning more than three decades, she has been a tireless ambassador of the Greek music scene to world and ethnic music festivals across the world, receiving high acclaim.
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Highlights of Eleftheria’s international acclaim include an invitation in 2004 to represent Europe in Philip Glass’s project “Orion”, which toured the world, an invitation by the Pope in 1999 to sing in the celebrations of the ‘Giubileo della Terra’ series of events in Rome, singing for Athens 2004 Olympics, and collaborations with artists such as Cesaria Evora and Teofilo Chantre from Capo Verde, Dulce Pontes from Portugal, the American-Armenian composer Ara Dinkjian, the Spanish group Amaral, and the famous Spanish Grammy awarded, song-writer and producer Javier Limon for her album “Mirame”.
Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre
Belvedere Rd, Lambeth, London
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♪ ♫
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Demands by the Turkish side at the Geneva Conference on the Cyprus problem last January and onwards have led to difficulties in the UN-led peace talks, Deputy Government Spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos has said.

Deputy Government Spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos
He pointed out however that the Greek Cypriot side will continue to show political will and will keep trying with all means available for progress in the negotiations for the reunification of Cyprus.
Papadopoulos was talking to the press after today’s meeting of the National Council, the top advisory body to the President on the Cyprus issue. The political leaders were briefed by President Nicos Anastasiades on the talks, which resumed last week following a two month suspension because the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci walked out condemning a decision taken by the Cyprus House on the 1950 enosis (union) referendum.
He said that the National Council also exchanged views on the situation in Turkey following the referendum on April 16 for constitutional reforms as well as Ankara`s provocations in Cyprus` exclusive economic zone ( EEZ). Turkey has issued a navigational warning (NAVTEX) and has reserved an area within the territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Cyprus off the coast of Famagusta for the conduct of seismic surveys, between 21 April and 30 June 2017, by the survey vessel “BARBAROS HAYREDDIN PAŞA” and support vessel “BRAVO SUPPORTER”.
Papadopoulos described the meeting as fruitful, saying that the exchange of ideas took place in a very good atmosphere.
Invited to comment on statements about a stalemate in the talks, he said that convergences and progress were made in the past, but now “we are faced with some difficulties and our side is showing good will to help overcome them.”
He added that the Greek Cypriot side will not abandon the negotiating table and the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem, and will intensify these efforts for progress to take place.
Papadopoulos also said that soon there will be another meeting of the National Council.
Replying to a question on possible efforts made by some to attribute responsibilities to the President, as well as to the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, Papadopoulos said that he is not aware of who is trying to attribute such responsibilities.
He underlined that the Greek Cypriot side is showing real political will and the President himself has taken bold decisions in the past in order for the dialogue to move forward. He also said that at this point it is not wise to get involved in a blame game and should remain focused on the aim to reunify our country.
Asked what steps have been taken to address the Turkish provocations in Cyprus` EEZ, he said that too many things have been done with respect to developments at any given time. Papadopoulos said that that patience and unity should prevail.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied its northern third. UN-backed talks aim to reunite the island under a federal roof.
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The Cyprus House plenary passed on Friday, by 30 votes in favour and 20 against, a bill tabled by the ruling Democratic Rally (DISY) party for a legislative amendment to shift decision-making power on school celebrations from the Parliament to the Ministry of Education.

Thirty MPs vote in favour and twenty against DISY’s bill
The bill was tabled by three DISY MPs Kyriakos Hadjiyiannis, Georgios Karoullas and Annita Demetriou, in the aftermath of a dispute caused by the introduction of a brief annual commemoration of the 1950 Enosis (union with Greece) referendum in state schools, prompting Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci to withdraw from the reunification talks until the decision was rescinded.
The UN announced on Tuesday that talks for a Cyprus solution will resume on April 11.
Article written by CNA

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Article written by London Greek Radio
Talks for a Cyprus solution will resume on April 11, the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, Espen Barth Eide, announced on Tuesday.

Archive photo: President Anastasiades (L) – T/C Leader Mustafa Akinci (R)
According to a press release issued by the Secretary-General`s Good Offices Mission in Cyprus “Cyprus talks will resume following consultations with both sides and today’s meeting between the Secretary-General and the Turkish Cypriot Leader, Mr. Mustafa Akinci in Brussels”.
It adds that leaders will resume negotiations on Tuesday 11 April, at 10am local time (07.00 GMT) and the meeting will be held under the auspices of Eide.
The resumption of talks was announced earlier by Espen Barth Eide, who posted on his twitter account that “After consultations with @AnastasiadesCY & @MustafaAkinci_1 following Sunday`s dinner, we have agreed that #CyptusTalks resume 11 April”.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. UN-backed efforts to reunify the island under a federal roof were suspended when Mustafa Akinci walked out of a meeting in mid February, claiming that a House decision to commemorate, briefly, in school a 1950 referendum advocating union with Greece was in fact a shift in the long standing position of the Greek Cypriot side for a bicommunal, bizonal federal solution in Cyprus.
President Anastasiades has described the decision “wrong”, saying the timing was not right. Akinci said he would not return to the negotiations unless the decision is revoked. The House is set to vote on an amendment on the bill, which essentially annuls the earlier House decision, on Friday 7 April.
The UN Secretary General Special Adviser Espen Barth Eide hosted a dinner last Sunday for President Nicos Anastasiades and the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci. In an announcement, issued after the dinner, the UN noted that the two leaders reconfirmed their joint commitment to finding a solution in the best interest of all Cypriots and exchanged ideas about the way ahead.
Furthermore, the announcement said that Espen Barth Eide would continue his interaction with them in order to lay the groundwork for the resumption of the negotiations as soon as possible.
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Anyone following his career would know that Greek Cypriot singer Kyriacos Georgiou has been enjoying huge success at Spin Records, an independent Greek label. With the release of his latest hit, ‘Κατειλημμένος’ London Greek Radio caught up with Kyri for an exclusive interview about his new single and his exciting plans for the future.
Kyriacos started by talking to LGR about his American tour last January.
“Yes I’ve been keeping myself busy as usual. I have just come off tour from America. I was singing to the Greek Americans on the cruise line Freedom of the Seas by the Royal Caribbean. It was an amazing experience as I got to meet many Greeks from all over America for the second year running.”
His new single ‘Kateilimmenos’ can be described as an up-beat Laiko tsifteteli that has gone straight into the London Greek Radio playlist.
“I just released my new song called ‘Kateilimmenos’ lyrics by Jackpot and music by Giannis Ieremias. I’m happy to be working with this team as we previously worked on many projects before together and we have a great bond and friendship in the studio.
I’m really excited about my new upbeat single and hope that it is liked by my fans and followers.”
The Official Lyric video which was uploaded to the Spin Records YouTube channel has greatly surpassed 100,000 views. Kyri talks to us about its immediate success:
“It’s only just been released but I am getting a really good response and I’m really happy about that! We managed to hit 120.000 views in just under a month and we have only just started promo on it. I hope it carries on like this.”
Kyriacos also revealed that he will be returning to the recording studio soon. He is to follow-up ‘Kateilimmenos’ with a new summer single. He is also in talks with potential venues in Athens looking to confirm where he’ll be performing at the bouzoukia, throughout the up-coming hot season. The work will mean he is often absent from London for long periods and often thinks of home a lot.
“In London I miss my family and friends most but I come over often as much as I can to visit.
Apart from that I want to thank Tony from LGR for always supporting & backing me up in my music career. Thanks Tony & the LGR team for all the support!”
We are looking forward to the new tune and as soon as we have it on our hands, it will be straight on the London Greek Radio air waves. Meanwhile, check out ‘Kateilimmenos’ his current hit, below:
Article written by Tony Neophytou
Following an explosion that has taken place today in the St. Petersburg metro, Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that on the basis of currently available information, it appears that no Cypriot citizen has come of harm.

Entrance of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicosia
It also notes that it is following closely the situation, in coordination with Cyprus` Embassy in Moscow and Consulate General in St. Petersburg. The Ministry says that will continue to monitor the situation closely.
For more information, Cypriot citizens can contact the Consulate General in St. Petersburg or the Ministry’s Crisis Management Centre, as follows:
Consulate General in St. Petersburg
Contact information during office hours (9:00 – 16:30, Monday – Friday)
Furshtatskaya Ulitsa 27
191123 St. Petersburg
Tel.: + 7 812 456 22 55
Tel. from Cyprus: + 357 22 65 1517
Fax: + 7 812 456 22 66
Contact information during out of office hours
Tel: +7 921 751 40 84
+7 921 186 62 76
Ministry Crisis Management Centre
Tel.: +35722801000
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