”The one I’ve been waiting for and finally won best gentlemen’s stylist 2017!”
Tas Anastasis Panteli had written on his Facebook Page, celebrating receiving a gold award from this year’s British Hair and Beauty Awards.
He couldn’t hold back his excitement at the award Greek Cypriot hairdresser Tas is the proprietor of Pure Hair and Beauty Enfield and has long participated in the English awards.
Tas registered for the Best Male Grooming Barber Grooming/Barber award back in March shortlisted by the judges down to the final five through reviews and industry achievements over the last year.
Tas speaking to London Greek Radio described the decision-making process of the judges in the Final:
”For the first Round judges look at all entered salons and look at salon/individuals reviews, Round 2 would consist of mystery clients whether it be a haircut or even stopping by salons for advice and judging the service they received during their experience.”

Tas Panteli receiving his gold award from this year’s British Hair and Beauty Awards
What would have been the criteria they scored the finalists?
”The judges have a pre defined criteria to score each finalist by, all judges score independently and don’t work in a group to score the finalist. This year the awards had 5 judges scoring the finals who would submit their score to be added up and the highest collective score would be awarded GOLD, Silver or Bronze. This year I did try to be different I included a variety of haircuts from young and trendy to old and stylish and I also used different hair types and race to show how diverse my style can be. I also included a lot about me and what I have done in the industry and to help others with my skills, I have spent time at the homeless shelter cutting hair for the homeless and I have also visited local collages to teach students different haircuts and share my knowledge of experience with them.”
Tas, what does winning the award mean to you?
”Winning the award for me was a great recognition of the passion I have for my industry and profession, goes to show you don’t have to be a massive west end salon to be recognised! But it has taken a long time but I enter every year and make it to the finals of the English hair and beauty award, but don’t win! But now we pick up the British award so goes to show if you stay focused on what you want it eventually comes to you.”
If you were ever offered it, would you ‘say Yes!’ to being rewarded your own hairdressing reality programme on television…
”I think a reality TV show in a hair salon would be hilarious especially if they focus on all the customers coming in and out, I can tell you some really funny stories and I’ve also had some cringe worth conversations with clients over their private life’s but would all make good viewing.”
And a ‘fun’ question, which famous Greek or Cypriot singer/celebrity would you like to cut their hair?
”So many of our singers I’d love to get in the salon chair both male and female some because they are great singers and others because I would love to sort their hair out! But the main one would be Paschalis Terzis as he’s one of my favourite singers plus his eyebrows always look like they need a trim!”
Here at London Greek Radio would like to congratulate Tas, on receiving his award and may he long continue to prove he is a ‘cut above the others’.
Article written by Tony Neophytou